Hello I have an error with the submission script in Houdini 18.5:
“The CallDeadlineCommand.py script could not be found in the Houdini installation. Please make sure that the Deadline Client has been installed on this machine.”
I used submission installer from Deadline submission/houdini/installers folder. I looked at a number of posts on this topic. The python2.7libs folder is in place. All applications: client, monitor, etc. are installed. Any help would be appreciated.
It’s possible the installer didn’t properly do its job, could you check it’s work with the Manual Submission steps to see if it failed somewhere?
If you’ve already done that, I’d expect the next issue to be with the DEADLINE_PATH environment variable not being set properly - that’s how the submitter finds where Deadline is installed on the machine. Make sure that that’s set to the /bin folder in your local install.
There are 2 versions of Houdini, a Python 2 version and a Python 3 version, usually it defaults to Python 2 unless you go in via the Production Builds page.
It’s likely not working as the deadline plugin looks to be built for 2.7
You can download Houdini with Python2 from here, just uncheck the Python3 button at the top