Houdini 19 Support

is there any changes in that link other than the .param file?

Looking forward to the fully supported version of Deadline that’ll work with 19 along with all py2 and py3 versions.

Am also hoping the other issues with Houdini will be fixed too

  • The issue with $ names (I think there are other variables issues elsewhere too)
  • There is an issue with Frame Ranges in submission

I’m not sure if this is another issue, as 19.0.455 py3 & 10.1.20 I don’t have this issue

  • Be great to see the new license env var implemented into Deadline
  • This Redshift progress improvement that’s been written for you
  • Tiled render in redshift, or tiled render as part of the export to .rs process
  • Getting some kind of husk implementation?

Sure there are lots more Houdini bug fix / feature requests?

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