Houdini 20 Patch files

I think Anthony is referring to the python3.9 libs folder noted here (taken from the link to the manual install docs):

Third, copy <Repository>\submission\Houdini\Client\CallDeadlineCommand.py to %HOME%\Houdini{version}\python3.9libs on Windows, $HOME/Houdini[VERSION]/python3.9libs on Linux, and $HOME/Library/Preferences/houdini/[VERSION]/python3.9libs on OSX.

As a side note, Windows doesn’t really have a %HOME%, so I think in this case it is referring to %HOME% that Houdini sets (e.g. HOME=C:/Users/deadline/Documents)

Just copy that python3.9libs folder to python3.10libs. if there isn’t a python3.9libs folder already there, then just create a python3.10libs folder and copy CallDeadlineCommand.py to it.