Houdini and RedShift rendering through Deadline

I do IT support for a Design School that has recently started using Deadline for rendering management, and am new to the process. We have a suite of Windows 10 machines in a lab that all have Houdini 16.5.268, RedShift plugin 2.5.59 and the Deadline client installed, that students are using for work.

Rendering from Houdini using Mantra works fine through Deadline, but when RedShift is used it errors as follows:


Error: Caught exception: [’ File “C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.268/houdini/python2.7libs\hou.py”, line 29095, in load\n return _hou.hipFile_load(*args, **kwargs)\n’, ‘OperationFailed: The attempted operation failed.\nError loading: S:/Shotgun/dangerous_musicvid/assets/Mesh/characters/model/work/houdini/DeadlineTest_redshift.v003.hipnc\nWarning: Bad node type found: Redshift_ROP in /out.\n \n\n/out/Redshift_ROP1:\n\n Unknown channel(s) “f[12]” converted to spare parameter(s).\n \n\n/out/Redshift_ROP1:\n\n Skipping unrecognized parameter “RS_IPR”.\n Skipping unrecognized parameter “RS_IPRRV”.\n Skipping unrecognized parameter “renderpreview”.\n Skipping unrecognized parameter “trange”.\n Skipping unrecognized parameter “f”.\n Skipping unrecognized parameter “take”.\n Skipping unrecognized parameter “RS_separator_rrs2”.\n Skipping unrecognized parameter “RS_rrs2”.\n Skipping unrecognized parameter “RS_mainSwitcher”.\n Skipping unrecognized parameter “RS_renderCamera”.\n Skipping unrecognized parameter “RS_separator_renderCamera”.\n Skipping unrecognized parameter “RS_overrideCameraRes”.\n Skipping unrecognized parameter “RS_overrideResScale”.\n Skipping unrecognized parameter “RS_overrideRes”.\n Skipping unrecognized parameter “RS_separator_overrideRes”.\n Skipping unrecognized parameter “RS_matOverride_enable”.\n Skipping unrecognized parameter “RS_matOverride_mat”.\n Skipping unrecognized parameter “RS_matOverride_exclude”.\n Skipping unrecognized parameter “RS_separator_overrideMaterials”.\n Skipping unrecognized parameter “RS_updateMeshDeform”.\n Skipping unrecognized parameter “RS_updateMeshNoReload”.\n Skipping unrecognized parameter “RS_updateMeshNoReload_list”.\n Skipping unrecognized parameter “RS_separator_updateMeshDeform”.\n Skipping unrecognized parameter “RS_globalEnvironment”.\n Skipping unrecognized parameter “RS_apply_stylesheets”.\n Skipping unrecognized parameter “RS_initSimulations”.\n Skipping unrecognized parameter “RS_multihreadLoader”.\n Skipping unrecognized parameter “RS_multihreadPacked”.\n Skipping unrecognized parameter “RS_nonBlockingRendering”.\n Skipping unrecognized parameter “RS_addDefaultLight”.\n Skipping unrecognized parameter “RS_reportErrorsToROP”.\n Skipping unrecognized parameter “RS_arbitraryUVMapNames”.\n Skipping unrecognized parameter “RS_useAlembicProcedural”.\n Skipping unrecognized parameter “RS_outputSwitcher”.\n Skipping unrecognized parameter “RS_renderToMPlay”.\n Skipping unrecognized parameter “RS_renderAOVsToMPlay”.\n Skipping unrecognized parameter “RS_overwriteMPlayImage”.\n Skipping unrecognized parameter “RS_MPlay_disabledNonGUI”.\n Skipping unrecognized parameter “RS_separator_overwriteMPlayImage”.\n Skipping unrecognized parameter “RS_outputEnable”.\n – Too many errors, additional errors were suppressed. --\nError: Problem while synchronizing child node:\n Error: Bad node type found: redshift_vopnet in /obj/rslightdome1/light_shader.\nWarning: Skipping unrecognized parameter “Redshift_SHOP_parmSwitcher”.\n Skipping unrecognized parameter “RS_matprop_ID”.\n Skipping unrecognized parameter “ogl_diff”.\n Skipping unrecognized parameter “ogl_emit”.\n Skipping unrecognized parameter “ogl_spec”.\n Skipping unrecognized parameter “ogl_rough”.\n Skipping unrecognized parameter “ogl_alpha”.\n Skipping unrecognized parameter “ogl_light”.\n\t[/obj/rslightdome1/light_shader/redshift_vopnet]\n\nError: Bad node type found: redshift_light_shader in /obj/rslightdome1/light_shader/redshift_vopnet.\nWarning: Ignoring data for locked node: rslightdome1/light_shader/redshift_vopnet/redshift_light_shader\n Ignoring data for locked node: rslightdome1/light_shader/redshift_vopnet/redshift_light_shader\n Ignoring data for locked node: rslightdome1/light_shader/redshift_vopnet/redshift_light_shader\nError: Bad node type found: redshift::Light_Dome in /obj/rslightdome1/light_shader/redshift_vopnet.\nWarning: Ignoring data for locked node: rslightdome1/light_shader/redshift_vopnet/Light_Dome1\n Ignoring data for locked node: rslightdome1/light_shader/redshift_vopnet/Light_Dome1\n Ignoring data for locked node: rslightdome1/light_shader/redshift_vopnet/Light_Dome1\n Ignoring data for locked node: rslightdome1/light_shader/redshift_vopnet/Light_Dome1\n’]
at Deadline.Plugins.PluginWrapper.RenderTasks(String taskId, Int32 startFrame, Int32 endFrame, String& outMessage, AbortLevel& abortLevel)

RedShift is licensed on the machines, and when it is used locally it works fine, but when the job is sent through Deadline all frames fail with the above error. It appears that the job is not recognizing that RedShift is available on the machines so doesn’t recognize the RedShift specific parameters.

I am still learning how to use Deadline, so would appreciate any assistance in how to configure the system to be able to render successfully through Deadline.

Here’s the re-formatted error where the “\n” was converted into real new lines:

Error: Caught exception: [' File "C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.268/houdini/python2.7libs\\hou.py", line 29095, in load
 return _hou.hipFile_load(*args, **kwargs)
', 'OperationFailed: The attempted operation failed.
Error loading: S:/Shotgun/dangerous_musicvid/assets/Mesh/characters/model/work/houdini/DeadlineTest_redshift.v003.hipnc
Warning: Bad node type found: Redshift_ROP in /out.


 Unknown channel(s) "f[12]" converted to spare parameter(s).


 Skipping unrecognized parameter "RS_IPR".
 Skipping unrecognized parameter "RS_IPRRV".
 Skipping unrecognized parameter "renderpreview".
 Skipping unrecognized parameter "trange".
 Skipping unrecognized parameter "f".
 Skipping unrecognized parameter "take".
 Skipping unrecognized parameter "RS_separator_rrs2".
 Skipping unrecognized parameter "RS_rrs2".
 Skipping unrecognized parameter "RS_mainSwitcher".
 Skipping unrecognized parameter "RS_renderCamera".
 Skipping unrecognized parameter "RS_separator_renderCamera".
 Skipping unrecognized parameter "RS_overrideCameraRes".
 Skipping unrecognized parameter "RS_overrideResScale".
 Skipping unrecognized parameter "RS_overrideRes".
 Skipping unrecognized parameter "RS_separator_overrideRes".
 Skipping unrecognized parameter "RS_matOverride_enable".
 Skipping unrecognized parameter "RS_matOverride_mat".
 Skipping unrecognized parameter "RS_matOverride_exclude".
 Skipping unrecognized parameter "RS_separator_overrideMaterials".
 Skipping unrecognized parameter "RS_updateMeshDeform".
 Skipping unrecognized parameter "RS_updateMeshNoReload".
 Skipping unrecognized parameter "RS_updateMeshNoReload_list".
 Skipping unrecognized parameter "RS_separator_updateMeshDeform".
 Skipping unrecognized parameter "RS_globalEnvironment".
 Skipping unrecognized parameter "RS_apply_stylesheets".
 Skipping unrecognized parameter "RS_initSimulations".
 Skipping unrecognized parameter "RS_multihreadLoader".
 Skipping unrecognized parameter "RS_multihreadPacked".
 Skipping unrecognized parameter "RS_nonBlockingRendering".
 Skipping unrecognized parameter "RS_addDefaultLight".
 Skipping unrecognized parameter "RS_reportErrorsToROP".
 Skipping unrecognized parameter "RS_arbitraryUVMapNames".
 Skipping unrecognized parameter "RS_useAlembicProcedural".
 Skipping unrecognized parameter "RS_outputSwitcher".
 Skipping unrecognized parameter "RS_renderToMPlay".
 Skipping unrecognized parameter "RS_renderAOVsToMPlay".
 Skipping unrecognized parameter "RS_overwriteMPlayImage".
 Skipping unrecognized parameter "RS_MPlay_disabledNonGUI".
 Skipping unrecognized parameter "RS_separator_overwriteMPlayImage".
 Skipping unrecognized parameter "RS_outputEnable".
 -- Too many errors, additional errors were suppressed. --
Error: Problem while synchronizing child node:
 Error: Bad node type found: redshift_vopnet in /obj/rslightdome1/light_shader.
Warning: Skipping unrecognized parameter "Redshift_SHOP_parmSwitcher".
 Skipping unrecognized parameter "RS_matprop_ID".
 Skipping unrecognized parameter "ogl_diff".
 Skipping unrecognized parameter "ogl_emit".
 Skipping unrecognized parameter "ogl_spec".
 Skipping unrecognized parameter "ogl_rough".
 Skipping unrecognized parameter "ogl_alpha".
 Skipping unrecognized parameter "ogl_light".

Error: Bad node type found: redshift_light_shader in /obj/rslightdome1/light_shader/redshift_vopnet.
Warning: Ignoring data for locked node: rslightdome1/light_shader/redshift_vopnet/redshift_light_shader
 Ignoring data for locked node: rslightdome1/light_shader/redshift_vopnet/redshift_light_shader
 Ignoring data for locked node: rslightdome1/light_shader/redshift_vopnet/redshift_light_shader
Error: Bad node type found: redshift::Light_Dome in /obj/rslightdome1/light_shader/redshift_vopnet.
Warning: Ignoring data for locked node: rslightdome1/light_shader/redshift_vopnet/Light_Dome1
 Ignoring data for locked node: rslightdome1/light_shader/redshift_vopnet/Light_Dome1
 Ignoring data for locked node: rslightdome1/light_shader/redshift_vopnet/Light_Dome1
 Ignoring data for locked node: rslightdome1/light_shader/redshift_vopnet/Light_Dome1
at Deadline.Plugins.PluginWrapper.RenderTasks(String taskId, Int32 startFrame, Int32 endFrame, String& outMessage, AbortLevel& abortLevel)

If it’s working within Houdini itself, my immediate guess is usually environment variables. If the Slave is running as a service (and it usually is at schools), I wonder if Redshift can’t access the machine’s GPU.

As a test, find the Deadline Launcher service and enable the “interact with Desktop” option. You’ll lose the account you’re using, but may gain access to the GPU. To test this further, try turning off the Launcher service and just run the Slave as a standard Desktop app by starting it from the start menu.
[attachment=0]2018-08-13 14_50_41-Deadline 10 Launcher Service Properties (Local Computer).png[/attachment]

Hello, and thanks for responding.

You are correct that the Slave is running as a Service on the nodes, and is using a specific account (deadline) to run. Your mention about the environmental variables pointed me to the fact that the RedShift path hadn’t been configured in the ‘houdini.env’ file for the service deadline account.

I have now added the following lines to the ‘houdini.env’ file for the deadline account:

RedShift is now being recognized as being installed, but I have now run into another problem with regard to licensing, with the following error:


Error: Caught exception: [’ File “C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.268/houdini/python2.7libs\hou.py”, line 42467, in render return _hou.RopNode_render(*args, **kwargs)', ‘OperationFailed: The attempted operation failed.
License error: Error communicating with license server (-17)’]
at Deadline.Plugins.PluginWrapper.RenderTasks(String taskId, Int32 startFrame, Int32 endFrame, String& outMessage, AbortLevel& abortLevel)[/code]

We have an academic license for RedShift which doesnt require a local license server. As per the instructions that were provided from RedShift, the licenses can be deployed by either:

  1. copying the file to each machine that will run Redshift (the file should be placed in C:\ProgramData\Redshift\ on Windows)
  2. placing the file in a shared network location and, on each machine, setting an environment variable named “redshift_LICENSE” to the license file’s full path

Please note that all machines running Redshift will need access to ports 5053 and 50049 for IP address and port 80 for IP address

The license file has contains the following (with account specific detail hidden):

I have tried deploying the license using both the methods mentioned above, and as mentioned previously, RedShift works fine locally with an interactive user running Houdini, but doesn’t want to work with the deadline service account, throwing up the license error shown above.

Here is the relevant part of the render job log for RedShift:


2018-08-15 10:11:36: 0: INFO: Startup Directory: “C:\Program Files\Side Effects Software\Houdini 16.5.268\bin”
2018-08-15 10:11:36: 0: INFO: Process Priority: BelowNormal
2018-08-15 10:11:36: 0: INFO: Process Affinity: default
2018-08-15 10:11:36: 0: INFO: Process is now running
2018-08-15 10:11:39: 0: STDOUT: [Redshift]Redshift for Houdini plugin version 2.5.59 (Feb 21 2018 19:09:12)
2018-08-15 10:11:39: 0: STDOUT: [Redshift]Plugin compile time HDK version: 16.5.268
2018-08-15 10:11:39: 0: STDOUT: [Redshift]Houdini host version: 16.5.268
2018-08-15 10:11:39: 0: STDOUT: [Redshift]Plugin dso/dll and config path: C:/ProgramData/Redshift/Plugins/Houdini/16.5.268/dso
2018-08-15 10:11:39: 0: STDOUT: [Redshift]Core data path: C:\ProgramData\Redshift
2018-08-15 10:11:39: 0: STDOUT: [Redshift]Local data path: C:\ProgramData\Redshift
2018-08-15 10:11:39: 0: STDOUT: [Redshift]Procedurals path: C:\ProgramData\Redshift\Procedurals
2018-08-15 10:11:39: 0: STDOUT: [Redshift]Preferences file path: C:\ProgramData\Redshift\preferences.xml
2018-08-15 10:11:39: 0: STDOUT: [Redshift]License path: C:\ProgramData\Redshift
2018-08-15 10:11:41: 0: STDOUT: Detected Houdini version: (16, 5, 268)
2018-08-15 10:11:41: 0: STDOUT: [‘C:\Users\deadline\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline10\slave\soadpr-109-01-c\plugins\5b73538ec07f0c2a4847a36d\hrender_dl.py’, ‘-f’, ‘1’, ‘1’, ‘1’, ‘-d’, ‘/out/Redshift_ROP1’, ‘S:/Shotgun/dangerous_musicvid/assets/Mesh/characters/model/work/houdini/DeadlineTest_redshift.v003.hipnc’]
2018-08-15 10:11:41: 0: STDOUT: Start: 1
2018-08-15 10:11:41: 0: STDOUT: End: 1
2018-08-15 10:11:41: 0: STDOUT: Increment: 1
2018-08-15 10:11:41: 0: STDOUT: Ignore Inputs: False
2018-08-15 10:11:41: 0: STDOUT: No output specified. Output will be handled by the driver
2018-08-15 10:11:41: 0: STDOUT: Driver: /out/Redshift_ROP1
2018-08-15 10:11:41: 0: STDOUT: Input File: S:/Shotgun/dangerous_musicvid/assets/Mesh/characters/model/work/houdini/DeadlineTest_redshift.v003.hipnc
2018-08-15 10:11:42: 0: STDOUT: ROP type: Redshift_ROP
2018-08-15 10:11:42: 0: STDOUT: Rendering frame 1
2018-08-15 10:11:43: 0: STDOUT: [Redshift]ROP node ‘Redshift_ROP1’ render started for 1 frames. Time from 0.000000 to 0.000000
2018-08-15 10:11:43: 0: STDOUT: [Redshift]Houdini/FX license found, no render restrictions
2018-08-15 10:11:43: 0: STDOUT: [Redshift]Closing the RS scene
2018-08-15 10:11:43: 0: STDOUT: [Redshift]Initializing the render session
2018-08-15 10:11:43: 0: STDOUT: [Redshift]Textures cache size (MB): 32768
2018-08-15 10:11:43: 0: STDOUT: [Redshift]Textures cache path: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Redshift\Cache
2018-08-15 10:11:43: 0: STDOUT: [Redshift]Devices enabled: 0:GeForce GTX 1080,
2018-08-15 10:11:43: 0: STDOUT: [Redshift]Redshift Initialized
2018-08-15 10:11:43: 0: STDOUT: [Redshift] Version: 2.5.59
2018-08-15 10:11:43: 0: STDOUT: [Redshift] Windows Platform (Windows 10 Enterprise)
2018-08-15 10:11:43: 0: STDOUT: [Redshift] Release Build
2018-08-15 10:11:43: 0: STDOUT: [Redshift] Number of CPU HW threads: 12
2018-08-15 10:11:43: 0: STDOUT: [Redshift] CPU speed: 3.19 GHz
2018-08-15 10:11:43: 0: STDOUT: [Redshift] Total system memory: 31.81 GB
2018-08-15 10:11:43: 0: STDOUT: [Redshift]redshift_LICENSE=\soadlic02\RedShiftLic\redshift-od-47861.lic
2018-08-15 10:11:43: 0: STDOUT: Error: Caught exception: [’ File “C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.268/houdini/python2.7libs\hou.py”, line 42467, in render return _hou.RopNode_render(*args, **kwargs)', ‘OperationFailed: The attempted operation failed.
License error: Error communicating with license server (-17)\r\n\n’]
2018-08-15 10:11:43: 0: Done executing plugin command of type ‘Render Task’[/code]

Appreciate any further suggestions relating to enabling the licensing for RedShift for the service account.

Does the “\soadlic02\RedShiftLic” share require authentication? If so, you’ll want to log in as that Deadline user and save that password for future use.

If you do have a copy locally, it looks like you may want to add Redshift’s license path to that env file as well.