Houdini deadline submitter ROP Houdini 18

Hi there.

I am trying to get the deadline submitter rop to show up in my Houdini 18.0.287
I have it working just fine in Houdini 17.5.

I have been following this procedure:


Can anyone shed some light?


That should work just like in the instructions.

Also have you noticed this? Houdini 18 support


Thanks for the reply Panze.
I guess I will have to investigate further since it looks like the error is on my end.


FINALLY sorted it out. Just a brain fart from my side. Overwriting my HOUDINI_PATH variable at the end of my env script rather than adding to it.

That’s a pretty easy mistake to make. I know I’ve managed to make it in the past :slightly_smiling_face:

That new “packages” style of adding add-ons is kinda neat.

deadline.json package would look something like this

	"env": [
            "HOUDINI_PATH": "$DEADLINE;"
            "HOUDINI_OTLSCAN_PATH": "$DEADLINE/otls;"
	"path": "$DEADLINE"