Houdini dependencies


I’m running DL and Houdini 16.5.439.

When submitting Houdini jobs, and adding dependencies from the submitter it doesn’t actually add the selected job as a dependency. Instead if I look at the submitted job in the Monitor there’s a long list of perhaps 10-15 “job dependency does not exists”.
If I select and delete them all, close the window and then go back to the properties, there are more “job dependency does not exists” back in the list. I have to repeat this process 2-3 times before the list is finally cleared out - and I can manually add the dependent job I initially wanted.

Can you send the job info side of those jobs here? I’m mostly interested in the dependencies section:

[attachment=0]2018-05-03 11_03_19-Job Properties.png[/attachment]

Best guess at the moment is that the format of the dependencies is off at the moment… I’m hoping not white-space related as that might not be obvious if you copy & paste it here. An archived dummy job would likely be the best case if you have time to make one.

Sorry for my slow reply. I forgot to subscribe to the thread. Looks like you’re right, and it’s just a formatting issue. Each letter is it’s own dependency.


Ah, we expected a list and got a string. That should be an easy fix.

Because there may be a specific way to trigger this, and I’m no Houdini expert, could you go over the steps to reproduce? I’m thinking a screenshot of the ROP config and the submitter should be enough.

Thanks! I’m submitting a FileCache, not a render ROP, as it’s a simulation job, but don’t think it changes either way. I choose a single job as dependency and submit. So I don’t think I’m doing anything special in particular.

PS! A side note; I think already mentioned this through email support, but it would be great to have a on/off switch for simulations. If I don’t set the frames per task higher than the number of frames to simulate, the job will simulate each task(frame) from frame 1.
1 to 2
1 to 3
1 to 4 etc.
Mixing between submitting frames to render and simulation jobs we always have to change this number.

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