there’s a few people doing husk submisions
Hi guys,
Seen several posts around different threads about it yet - anybody got a functional Husk submitter going? Would be great to learn about your experience
Seems like the default builds are 3.9, but there’s the option for 3.7 too (Py2 has been dropped)
I’ve found modifying the .param file to add a 19.5 entry and also copying the python3.7libs folder and(or) renaming it to python3.9libs allows me to send a simple houdini scene with Mantra or Karma render node over Deadline.
Modifying the Mantra .param file also allows 19.5 mantra ifd rendering over Deadline (still missing 19.0 here!)
The Arnold Docs also has a page for Husk submissions but it seems to be hidden
Did you want to do this in Houdini? Have you tested this works using the Arnold Standalone plugin and manually submitting a USD file through Deadline Monitor?