Houdini wedge sim error when wedging

Hey All,
I am currently using Deadline and houdini 16.0.705. Looks like this is a topic that is a WIP based off other post so I just wanted to raise another issue that I found.

My normal sim submission look like this and it works as a single job in deadline

I add a wedge to this and submits to deadline properly with separate jobs but it errors out each job. Ill post the error once I can submit more images in my posts…

Is there a step I am missing to submit batch sims through a wedge?

Here is the error

and my wedge setup

Heh. Screenshots are tricky to type out!

This does look like a very similar problem from the support system. Wedge nodes don’t really have the concept of a start or end frame, so there we’re seeing a problem where the entire frame range is writing for every task and in your case we’re getting errors when trying to set the start frame. We made some fixes in SP20 I believe (already out now) but it just means that you’ll render far more times than you intended.

Can you put something on the other end of the Wedge node and render that? I’m barely a novice Houdini use so I hope that makes some amount of sense.

The dev team had an idea of how a simple fix may help here. I don’t have details at the moment, but I’ll sync with them and see if they have any advice.

I put a few more test through as you suggested. It got me a little closer with adding the batch node after the wedge but not all the way.

With the batch after the wedge what I get is one job that sims all the wedges on one blade one wedge after the other. Its so close it just needs to split the jobs up. With the other setups I get them all split up like I want but it reruns the sim for every frame which is not needed.

The current way deadline submits a wedge works if I want to render a wedge of images but for simulations it needs to handle the frame range as one task.

Instead of 1, your frames per task should be same (or more) as the amount of frames you want to simulate.

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Hello Mavswag,

So looks like you are running into a couple issues. The first of which is the fact that Deadline currently only supports wedge nodes pointing directly at the rop that will be doing the rendering ( It looks like you have that part fixed in your most recent image).

The second issue is that we currently do not have support for Batch Nodes, the good news for this is that you can get the same functionality already in deadline by setting the frames per task to a number equal to or larger than the number of frames you are rendering ( as panze pointed out).

The third issue which you will encounter with frames per task greater than 1 when using wedge nodes is that each individual frame will be rendered a number of times equal to the chunk size. This can be fixed by updating your hrender_dl.py ( found in “repo”/plugins/Houdini ) with the one I have attached here hrender_dl.zip (4.2 KB). This fix will be included in a future version of Deadline.

If you run into any other issues, please let us know.




@grant.bartel thanks for the breakdown and fix. Would it be possible to have an option to automate the frames per task? I feel like that would be useful when submitting through the menu.

otherwise if I switch to the deadline asset for submitting I can automate that myself with 1+ch(“f2”)-ch(“f1”) on the node.

is there a recommendation to use the deadline asset over the menu?

@mavSwag I have created an internal issue to look into automatically setting the frames per task for simulations to assist with this.

Overall I would recommend using the Deadline ROP, since it allows you to maintain your render settings easier, set up multiple submission and submit multiple nodes at once using different render settings. In addition it fits the general workflow of Houdini better.

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Ok great thanks for the help!