Give me some clue, please
I think it depends in the plugin.
most plugins have a:
For the most part the plugin has already done the math, based on the taskid of what the frame number is.
For the output path your going to need to look at what is set in the Plugin info settings of a running job.
deadlinePlugin.GetPluginInfoEntryWithDefault('<name of the plugin info setting>', '')
Would allow you to get the plugin info setting from the job.
if you want the full image path, you may be out of luck as some of the plugins do not expose this.
You may just need to write some exceptions to work per plugin.
Hope this helps.
Well, here’s an output path example and the frames, follow the example here: … ripts.html
It will show you pretty much all of what you need.
Well… I need to know the frame number of the task since it is pre-task script.
Start frame and end frame is not useful here.
By definition a task is a frame range. If you’re setting things to one frame per task, then StartFrame=EndFrame=CurrentFrame. If you’re using frame offsets it gets a little trickier I would think.
Can you give us a vague mile-high view of what your goal is?