How to load a mesh

Use the sequenceXMesh node to load a sequence of XMesh files.

  • Dependency Graph Node sequenceXMesh:
    [in]seqPath (string) - A path to the xmesh sequence.
    [in]inTime (time) - The time used to decide which frame of the sequence to load. Generally will be connected to 'time1' but 
                         can effectively make a playback graph if a expression is placed here.
    [in]inGroupIds (integer array) - Assign faces to object groups based on the face's MaterialID in the XMesh file.
                                     For example, xmeshNode.groupIds[0] lets you set the groupId for MaterialID 0.
    [out]outMesh (mesh) - The polymesh for the frame closest to inTime.

Connect the outMesh attribute of the sequenceXMesh to the inMesh attribute of a mesh node for the mesh to become visible in the scene.

For example, to load a sequence from c:/out/test_0001.xmesh:$xmeshTransform = `createNode transform`; $xmeshShape = `createNode mesh -parent $xmeshTransform`; $xmesh = `createNode sequenceXMesh`; setAttr ($xmesh+".path") -type "string" "c:/out/test_0001.xmesh"; connectAttr time1.outTime ($xmesh+".time"); connectAttr ($xmesh+".outMesh") ($xmeshShape+".inMesh");