Hi !
Quick question over here. Im am launching RIB 3delight render trought deadline. I wish to see the render frame windows, to know which part of my window and also if he’s stuck at a specific place. Is there any command that i can add an argument that will open the render windows on my node, and at the end of that frame close it, then for the next frame open it ?
Hi Fred,
Does 3delight have a command line option to display the render window when rendering? If it does, you should be able to just specify this command line argument in the RIB submitter in the Monitor. There is an option in the submitter to specify additional command line arguments.
There is the command line
But the window dosen’t closed after the render. So if im rendering 200 frame, when i open my node via remote desktop i got 200 open windows frame. I cant get deadline to close it at the end of my frame.
Is there anyway to tell deadline, at the end of the frame you close everything ?
I Tired a bunch of them, but nothing is coming up. The render goes on but no windows pop`up. Does deadline have a command that hide them that we can cancel.
Thanks !,
Deadline shouldn’t be doing anything to suppress the data window if it were actually popping up. If you run the 3delight render from the command line outside of Deadline, are you able to get the behavior you’re looking for? Specifically, opening the window at the start of the render and closing it automatically when it’s finished?
Yes i do.
Even by double clicking on the .rib pops up the windows and start rendering it
What’s the command line you are running to do this? Do you know the command line that’s being executed when you double click?
It only execute Renderdl (the 3delight renderer)
Can you replicate the behavior where it pops up the window and close it after rendering via the command line? That would be the magic bullet, because Deadline needs to use the command line interface to render.
The commandline is
“C:\Program Files\3Delight\bin\renderdl.exe” -id -progress -stats3 -id "R:/the_folder/the_file.rib
But when i do lunch this command trough deadline, i don’t get any window(the command promt & the idisplay)
Try this. Go to \your\repository\plugins\RIB and open RIP in a text editor. In a function called InitializeProcess near the top, you should see this code:
# Set the process specific settings.
self.ProcessPriority = ProcessPriorityClass.BelowNormal
self.UseProcessTree = True
self.StdoutHandling = True
After “self.StdoutHandling = True”, insert the line “self.HideDosWindow = False”. Your code should now look like this:
# Set the process specific settings.
self.ProcessPriority = ProcessPriorityClass.BelowNormal
self.UseProcessTree = True
self.StdoutHandling = True
self.HideDosWindow = False
By default, HideDosWindow is True, so that could explain why you’re not seeing anything. I didn’t think of this until you mentioned that you weren’t getting the command prompt window.
i just tried an nothing change, Was it working on your side ?
I haven’t tested on my side, but if it’s not working for you then it’s unlikely it will work for us either. The only other property I can think of to add is this:
self.CreateNewConsole = True
I don’t think this will help, but it’s worth a try. Just add it after your “elf.HideDosWindow = False” line. It very well may be that for whatever reason, our process management code is causing the render window to be suppressed…
i saw this in our log
0: INFO: Stdout Handling Enabled: True
0: INFO: Popup Handling Enabled: False
0: INFO: Using Process Tree: True
0: INFO: Hiding DOS Window: False
0: INFO: Creating New Console: True
Where could i change the hiding dos Windows. That might be that simple
You actually already tried that here a few posts up. 
So it’s been tested with it on and off. However, now that I know you’re running Deadline as a service (viewtopic.php?f=11&t=7301#p29900), that would explain why you don’t see the rendering window. Windows services run in their own environment, and can’t interact with the desktop. You would run into the same issue with any application that tried to display a UI during rendering.
Im gonna try this method on the node that now use deadline slave not as a service