How to set extra info using the commandline?

So far I was able to set custom pairs of key/value on my jobs and I cannot find anyway to set the default extra info that comes with deadline.
I tried SetJobExtraInfoKeyValue with various names and it always creates custom keys. Do I use the right command? If I do then what is the exact name of the extra info attributes? I tried jobextrainfo0 ,JobExtraInfo0, ExtraInfo0 etc.
thank you

so the command to use is “SetJobSetting” not the obvious one “SetJobExtraInfoKeyValue”…

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Hmm. Both should work here. Did you get an error for SetJobExtraInfoKeyValue? Can you provide examples of your usage of each?

Hi, I didn’t get any errors. One command sets the custom key value pairs, the other one the build in ones. A bit confusing, but kind of makes sense that the build in extraInfo attributes are part of the JobSettings (as they are also returned with the job). It all works it is just the naming of the methods that made it a bit harder than it should have been . The method “SetJobExtraInfo” should set the job extra info regardless of the internal structures of the data. Anyway, all works :slight_smile:

Alrighty! Yeah, to set the ExtraInfoX parameters you would need to use SetJobSetting.