I have an event and I have chosen the State to be Opt-in, but how do I submit a job with this event to be opted in? How do I use this opt-in feature?
You can find this in the docs:
Hey thanks, does it mean that I can only enable them after I have submitted the job? As my event is a OnJobSubmitted event, so it will not work if I enable it after in deadline monitor.
You have to set the parameter on the job during submission. You might need to customize your submitter.
Not sure if the “Pipeline tools” of Deadline set that.
How do I do a custom option in the submitter, is the script that I need to edit is [repo]\submission\Maya\Main\SubmitMayaToDeadline.mel?
Yes, I think this is the script (not acquainted with the Maya submitter specifically).
You will see where the job parameters are set, and add in the property.