How to use the Command Line or Command Script for Vray's vdenoise?


Since I’m incompetent and rubbish at scripting, I’m wondering if anyone has figured out how to use the Vray 3.4 Vdenoise utility from within Deadline?

I’m able to work it through the command line to do single frames like this: vdenoise -threshold=10 -frameBlend=2 -radius=20 -strength=10 -display=1 -autoClose=1 -useGpu=1 -inputFile="\PROD\class\images\masterLayer0001.exr" to get one frame… but the posted directions on the chaosgroup site that suggest to use “?” marks as variables for the sequence numbers do not work for me. For example - vdenoise -threshold=10 -frameBlend=2 -radius=20 -strength=10 -display=1 -autoClose=1 -useGpu=1 -inputFile="\PROD\class\images\masterLayer???.exr" produces an error saying it cannot find the file.

I did find this online: … o-scripts/ and it comes up with the same error of not being able to find the files - I also tried it locally and with a mapped path with no luck.

I’ve asked chaosgroup but I’m also asking here to see if anyone has anything ready-made they can share.


I found that they released a nuke node for this on Jan 10th, so that might be the way to go.

Still would be interested in how to do it via command line (every document says the ??? variable works - just not for me :confused: )

Hmm. I don’t have much experience with it either. I’ll ask around, but I haven’t heard from anyone here about it.

We have already added a VRay Denoiser plugin into Deadline 8.1. I would get on beta to test.