I cant understant how write Deadline Monitor scripts…
i whant select some jobs and execute on selection my script… script will be get name, id and etc from jobs and write it to DB. after that script delete selected jobs…
simple script, but i cant write him. i know functions for submit jobs and Post Job Script, but it not work in monitior script…
where i can see tutorial or working monitor scripts?
If you’re using Deadline 3.0, you can find the scripting documentation here:
franticfilms.com/software/su … ipting.php
If you’re using Deadline 2.7, we’ve made the old scripting documentation available here:
i use Deadline 2.6
i download Attachments (Deadline 2.7 Scripting.zip) - but i can read *.doc files. Microsoft office say: “wrong character set” and i cant find working set…
The docs should still be relevant for Deadline 2.6. I’ve re-saved the files as a different .doc format, which Microsoft Office shouldn’t have a problem with (I was able to open these files in Wordpad without any problems). Just re-download the docs and try again.
deadline 3 use pyton… byt 2.x use basic for scripting…
in v.3 will be work scripts from 2.x or not?
Unfortunately, no. The general flow though of these scripts hasn’t changed though, so once you become familiar with the Python syntax, porting your vbscripts over shouldn’t be too painful.