I/O Error

Hi there, I we are currently having an issue with max2008 and Vray rendering over our farm with deadline. The error message is as follows:

Dialog popup detected: Title"Image I/O Error" , Message “P:\job\render\Studio\c0017.rla”

Has anyone heard of this one?

Any help please would be appreciated?


Hi Lloyd,

Are you rendering with Vray’s frame buffer enabled? There are known

issues when doing this, and I believe this is one of them. If disabling

the vray frame buffer works, could you please send us a test scene that

reproduces this problem? This would make it easier for us to diagnose

the problem and hopefully come up with a solution in the future.


Thanks Ryan for the help,

Yes I am using Vray, However I am not using the Vray frame buffer. This error only occurs randomly on random nodes and is not predictable. Which is the strange thing.

Sorry to be so vague.

Thanks for help.

Thanks Ryan for the help,

Yes I am using Vray, However I am not using the Vray frame buffer. This error only occurs randomly on random nodes and is not predictable. Which is the strange thing.

Sorry to be so vague.

Thanks for help.

Is there anything else in the error log for the job besides:

Dialog popup detected: Title"Image I/O Error" , Message


It could just be that Max is having trouble saving out the file, maybe

due to a network hiccup or something similar. In the 3dsmax plugin, we

used to save the file locally before copying it to it’s final network

location, but we removed this because of some rare file access issues.

In the next version of Deadline, I think we will add this back it in,

but make it a toggle feature so you can enable/disable it as you please.

There is no way to know if this will help your specific problem, but it

might at least rule out one possibility.

By the way, does this problem happen with all scenes you render, or it

it a particular one? Are you’re scenes relatively heavy, or do you have

this problem with even the simplest of scenes? Just wondering if it’s

possible that this is somehow memory related.


Thank you for that. We will look forward to the update of the plugin.

The RLA format is about 5mb in size and it seems to be only this format hat causes this error, However we need to use this format for the projects that we have here. :frowning:

Thank you again.