I take it MagmaMod isn't fully hooked up yet?

As the title states. Just curious.

Was trying to do a basic smoke/fire color modifier it only seems to read the first color.

Interesting! During my one off test renders it only rendered the single color in the magmaMod node chain. Now that it is rendering a sequence, which is now working as expected (thanks :slight_smile: ), it is evaluating the magmaMod properly.

Also a side note:

  1. I close the export KVRY dialog
  2. Used the Krakatoa Menu->SET Krakatoa as Current Render/… switch
  3. Turned on forced add–>Rendered a frame to sanity check the magmaMod, worked as expected
  4. Closed frame buffer
  5. Used the Krakatoa Menu->SWITCH BACK to Previous Render
  6. USed Krakatoa Menu->OPEN Krakatoa VRY Export Dialog

Result big ole exception dialog (one was tied to my ancient Deadline) but there was another different error and I forgot to copy the error, I will next time.

Magma is fully independent from KVRY. It is part of KMX, and is as operational as in 2.6.x (with some improvements here and there).

The KVRY Exporter saves every PRT object that is not a PRT Loader or Stoke to disk as PRT before rendering. If a PRT Loader or Stoke is found to have Modifiers that might change the data, they are also baked to PRTs. This way, if you add a Magma to any PRT object, you should get all the Magma results in the baked PRTs. I also include a lot of the Magma flow itself in the calculation of the Hash checksum, so if you have an existing PRT on disk, it won’t be resaved if nothing has changed. If you go and modify the flow in any way (hopefully I catch them all), then the PRT will be resaved and the updated Magma will be reflected by the rendering…

As for the switching back and forth, those menus usually save and load Max Render Presets. Loading a Render Preset can also trigger a bunch of “on renderer changed” callbacks, so it could be something not directly related to Krakatoa that is causing the issues. Show me screenshots of what the error is and we will try to figure out what went wrong…

Just FYI I did go back through the frames after render and frame five of twenty did not respect the magmaMod coloring.

It would be nice to know what the log said about that frame (of course the log is probably not available anymore). Next time you might want to save it, or I might make it save each session’s log automatically like SMTD does.

You could probably try re-rendering the same sequence to the same output version. When frame 5 is being exported, keep an eye at the log to see if it reports the previously saved PRT will be reused because the object has not changed. If that’s the case, I would love to get a copy of your scene to find out why it might be failing to notice the change on that frame.

Also, what is driving the color changes in the Magma? What colors does frame render? Any screenshots of rendered images to look at?

Absolutely, it was late last night went I was testing, I am at work today/tonight, I will get you some screen grabs/logs as soon as I can.

It is pretty rudimentary, I drive color with a input+smoke/input+fire switch to either color smoke with a vector or to color fire with two vectors, a blend, and input+temp

I’ll upload the test scene too.