i want to “set restart slaves after current task completion” in commandline.
but i only find " RelaunchSlave,ForceRelaunchSlave"
“On Last Task Complete” means “all job completed”
They are not what I want
how can i do this
i want to “set restart slaves after current task completion” in commandline.
but i only find " RelaunchSlave,ForceRelaunchSlave"
“On Last Task Complete” means “all job completed”
They are not what I want
how can i do this
If you execute the “DeadlineSlave7.exe” application with the “–help” CLI flag you will see all the available options.
"DeadlineSlave7.exe" -aftertask RestartSlave
Your command line and I is a meaning. I have this in deadlinecommand.exe. But I only take effect in the slave idle.
I want to set the slave’s command line
I’m not sure I understand your last reply. You want to execute this command on an already running Slave and/or remotely as well via DeadlineCommand? If so, the following should help. If not, please could you explain some more!
Send the remote command to the Deadline Launcher running on the specified
[Machine Name(s)] The machine name, or a list of machine names
separated by commas.
[Remote Command] The remote command. The available commands are
StopLauncher, LaunchSlave, LaunchAllSlaves,
LaunchNewSlave, RemoveSlave, LaunchSlaveDelay,
StopSlave, RelaunchSlave, ForceStopSlave,
ForceRelaunchSlave, OnLastTaskComplete,
LaunchPulse, StopPulse, RestartPulse,
RemotePulseCommand, LaunchProxyServer,
StopProxyServer, RestartProxyServer,
LaunchBalancer, StopBalancer, RestartBalancer,
RemoteBalancerCommand, LaunchMonitor,
StopMonitor, StopConfig, RestartMachine,
StartMachine, ShutdownMachine, Execute,
[Argument] The argument for LaunchSlave, LaunchNewSlave,
and RemoveSlave is the name of the Slave. The
argument for Execute and ExecuteNoWait is the
command to execute. Valid arguments for
OnLastTaskComplete are Continue, StopSlave,
RestartSlave, ShutdownMachine, RestartMachine,
CheckForTasks, CancelTask, and
ClearFailureCache. Valid arguments for
RemotePulseCommand are HouseCleaning,
PendingJobScan, RepositoryRepair, and
PowerManagement. Valid arguments for
RemoteBalancerCommand are Balancing.
I use this command
deadlinecommand.exe remotecontrol slave OnLastTaskComplete RelaunchSlave
But only idle slave will restart. Work slave does not respond. When the slave is idle and will not restart
I need when a project is completed. It can automatically restart slave.
onlasttascomplete means that all job is done, or the current task is completed?
This will restart the slave after it’s completed it’s current task. Why do you need to restart your slaves after every job has completed? Perhaps, there is another way to achieve what your after?
Not every job must restart the slave. I write bat file. Periodically restart slave process. But it can not be interrupted rendering. So think of the restart after the task is completed.
ok, task level event callbacks don’t yet exist in Deadline. This is on our wishlist already. So, couple of options:
Manually execute a script via remote command on selected slaves in monitor to restart the slave process
Use Power Management -> “Restart Machines”:
docs.thinkboxsoftware.com/produc … ne-restart
Note, this will indeed restart machine and not just slave, but it won’t do it if the slave is busy rendering and you can create multiple PM groups for all your slaves depending on the frequency of restart you want.
Use event callback “onJobFinished” to create an event plugin which could be used to restart the slave which renders the last frame to complete the job. Note, this won’t execute on any of the other slaves when they complete any other task of the job.
Create a PostTaskScript which executes DeadlineCommand to restart this slave. This would need to be tested as I’m not sure how reliable it would be, as we are whipping the job out from under a slave as it finishes:
docs.thinkboxsoftware.com/produc … ml#scripts
PostTaskScript=<path to script> : Specifies a full path to a python script to execute after each task completes (default = blank).
Ideally, you need “task based event callbacks” but we don’t have that right now. I’m thinking option #2 is the easiest thing for now.