I want to deflicker frost in macro detail

Hi guys, im using realflow bin sequence (exported form hybrido) with approximatly 3 milions particles in the end. (simulation has 100 fames so every frame i have 30 thousand particles) And I simulated layered chocolate. But where the stream of chocolate start to touch itselves the edge start to flicker. Is there some best setting which i can use to deflicker my mesh. Im using metabals and on top relax modifier. I tryed also different methods but metabaals is good enough and also faster. What is the best parameter for flicker free mesh, is it bigger radius or bigger blending radius? Also it will be good to know how the meshing algoritm works and which chanels in bin or prt can hel him. If can help converting bin sequence to prt? MAybe in bin sequence there is problem with ID channel, I dont know if it is important or not in meshing. Do you have some ideas? Thanks a lot

only for clarifying. My mesh looks realy nice - no holes at all, only it flickers where more layers of chocolate touching together. And the chocolate is very reflective so every small jumping of mesh is visible

If you’re using Metaballs, you can ignore the blending radius. You can get the same effect by changing the Radius and Resolution. Resolution controls can be found in the Meshing Quality rollout.

The only channels that affect the meshing are the Position and Radius (if it exists).

I would look at changing the Resolution, and increasing the Relax (maybe in conjunction with increasing the Radius).

Without images or a scene file, I’m not sure what kind of flicker you’re encountering. If you want, you can send us files using our ticket system. We’re experimenting with a method to improve some kinds of flicker in Frost Py, which is currently in beta.

Thank a lot Paul. I did realy fine detailed mesh, render it without relax modifier and there is no flicker (but mesh is not 100 percent smooth), but after i add relax modifier on it with relaxation 1 and 40 iterations my mesh is super smooth but it starts to flicker. Do you have any ideas abous this? Maybe relax modifier calculates something wrong

You are correct. The relax modifier looks at connected neighbors, not just all the points in a neighborhood. As two particles approach, there will be a smooth extension of the surface between them as they touch. But the relax will “smooth” that away until they actually touch, then it will preserve it and you get a temporal discontinuity.

Relax just isn’t smart enough to do this.

Now if we could get access to the levelset from Frost and have Genome move the vertices along the implicit normal to the surface…

Sorry, I’m not sure what you mean by flicker. It may help if you could show me some images or a scene file. You can send us files using our ticket system.

Yes, this could be the problem.

I think this is on our wish list. Frost Py currently includes a levelset-fitting relax which may help too.

Hi Chad and Paul, thanks for answers. It looks like all my problems are related to relax. By flickering I mean bubling the mesh frame by frame and in reflection it causes flickering