
Hi, I want to modify the icon for the Mayabatch plugin, I am not sure what format this .ico file is.

I have tried saving it as a bmp and renaming it in .ico, but deadline doesn’t read it.

How can I create an icon from photoshop?


Sylvain Berger | Technical Director | Alpha Vision

Hi Sylvain,

It’s a standard 16x16 Icon file. I’ve always used Gimp to save out icons

hey, it’s photoshop. I don’t have a very high opinion of this software :slight_smile:

Thank for the info

Sylvain Berger | Technical Director | Alpha Vision

Turns out Photshop need a plugin to open and save icon file.

For those interested here is a free plugin for photoshop


Sylvain Berger | Technical Director | Alpha Vision