Idle detetion with logon / logoff scripts for Active Directory

Not to hijack the thread, but would your homemade app be shareable by chance? I would like the same functionality but can’t figure out how to do it.

Note from admin: Here’s the original topic: … 11&t=16161

@rhagen: What are you going to be swapping between? Are you also not able to run Application X (whatever that might be) through the Slave?

Nothing major, I saw the “checks to see if the machine is idle” part of the program, and thought maybe I could derive something from that to simplify running the Slave as a service. The idea to use Windows AD logon and logoff scripts to make the Slave work alternatively as a service and as a desktop app to get Idle Detection working don’t work particularly well in my environment. If not, no worries - just wondering.

We should have some logon/logoff scripts somewhere over here. I’ll ask one of my guys if he still has it laying around and we’ll throw it in the Github repo. Probably in here: … ster/Tools

Decided to split this guy off because there’ll be more folks who need this.

Coming back nearly four years later, we actually have a write-up from Charles over here that should still be relevant: