Idle Shutdown not working

Idle shutdown is no longer working.

If I right click I can shut them down manually. If I check powermanagement history it shows the slaves receiving a shutdown command in the logs.

Have you tried this from the machine that Pulse is running on? If not, try that and see if you can still shutdown manually. It could be that something is preventing the message being sent from the Pulse machine from making it to the slaves.


  • Ryan

I can manually shut them down from the pulse machine.

I ran it as a non-service to make sure that wasn’t the problem but it said “shutting down _____ for being idle…” and nothing happened.

Thanks for confirming. I just tested this out here this morning and confirmed the bug. I checked the Launcher log and found this:

Launcher Thread - Received command: OnLastTaskComplete ShutdownMachineIdle : Atom
Checking for running process: Atom
OnLastTaskComplete command was ignored because one or more of the given important processes are running.

Obviously something broken there. :slight_smile: