Ignore node transform?

Would be nice if we could somehow transform the sampling grid without transforming the resulting mesh.

  • Chad

You’re thinking of transforming the sampling grid before meshing? For example, if you apply a stretch you could get 1 sample per x, but 2 samples per y. Or are you thinking of something else?

Yes, or a rotation so the grid is aligned to something like the view.

But it would also prevent someone from accidentally messing up worldspace registration with the input point sources.

Ok, right. Is there a meshing artifact or some other problem you’re trying to eliminate? I wonder if we should look into some underlying issue.

With our inhouse voxel mesher, we often alter the sample positions to eliminate certain types of sample aliasing. I assume it would be the same for a particle mesher, where they might be arranged in such a way that odd aliasing would occur in certain cases. Hypothetically, if you had an aquarium filled with particles, you’d probably want the sampling grid to align with the aquarium, and if that aquarium were sitting on a sloped surface, you’d want the grid to still be aligned to the aquarium, not the world.

I don’t have a specific case that I was trying to fix, no. I just wanted to not “bump” a Frost object like I did yesterday. :slight_smile: