Image Output Local if Disk gets full

I don’t know if it was added or not, but we had this problem before, if the disk where we are outputting our rendered images gets full it wouldn’t saves them anywhere(I think so!), does deadline saves them locally now (can we specify the directory in the settings if it does), if not it would be a nice feature to add.

This currently isn’t supported by Deadline, and in many cases might be difficult or impossible for Deadline to handle. For example, the saving of the output image is usually handled by the rendering application itself, so if that fails, the error will already have occurred and Deadline would just pass along the message. Also, Deadline wouldn’t know the size of the rendered image prior to rendering, so we couldn’t check ahead of time.

The only way I could think this could possibly work is for plugins that support local rendering (and there is only a handful of them). However, instead of a temporary directory, the plugins would have to have a configurable spot to keep those images, and will have to be able to keep those images around after rendering (the current behavior is to always clean up the local temporary directory). We can add this to the wish list, but we’re not sure where it fits into the roadmap at this time.


  • Ryan