Early on in the deadline6 beta, we made a feature request to match some functionality we had in our previous render manager (assfreezer/arsenal), a quick image preview window in the monitor. Is this still on the roadmap?
If not, are there any UI events we could hook into to implement our own?
Its an invaluable tool to quickly check renders for wranglers / leads / sups.
it keeps slipping for other reasons, but we can certainly reprioritize. however my understanding is right-click open for a rendered file can be assigned to any application to look at a completed render. are you looking for something for in-progress renders? hoiw did assfreezer do it?
We have the right click options set up already, have keyboard shortcuts that open RV/framecycler etc. With a lot of jobs, those extra seconds of opening an external application make this impractical for wrangling purposes (a guy cant open 500+ framecyclers and still follow whats going on).
It worked for finished frames (but of course in progress would be nice, even if its just for max+vray). You step on a task and in an additional panel next to the task list it would show the output of the selected task. When selecting jobs, it would normally auto select the first task in the tasks panel, so you could simply step through jobs and get a preview of each without having to do anything extra.
Step down: looks ok
step down: woa that looks bad for a 16 hour render, suspend
step down: looks ok
good spec. let me dig into it. the plan was to use the Sequoia engine, and then show bin files, meshes etc as well as images, but maybe we can accelerate. i presume the file format is exr 95% of the time?
We also have jpeg outputs which would probably be preferred for speed reasons (they also have the luts already baked in, so don’t need much special handling). Our own RV opener code has a priority list of which outputs to pick in which order - depending on availability.
So i would say jpegs 70% of the time (3d), 30% exr (comp).
Another vote here for image preview in the Monitor, especially for Tiled jobs it would be amazing if we could see the tile pieces in situ as they render… putting the pieces together, would be great for catching messed up renders before they finish.