IMPORTANT: Draft Installation and Usage

Draft is a tool that provides simple compositing functionality. It is implemented as a Python library, which exposes functionality for use in python scripts. Draft is designed to be tightly integrated with Deadline, but it can also be used as a standalone tool.

First, it is important to note that Draft requires a license separate from Deadline; the Draft license has NOT been included in the Deadline license. However, if you would like to test out Draft in addition to Deadline, we would love to provide you with Draft test license.

Once you have acquired and installed a Draft license (the setup for this should be the same as it is for Deadline itself), make sure you are on the latest Beta build of Deadline, and download the appropriate version of the latest Draft build. While the Deadline repository installer ships with a build of Draft, it is best to ensure that you are on the latest version, since we do release Draft builds independently of Deadline.

Once you have downloaded the latest Draft build, simply extract the .zip file in your repository under the Draft folder. The slaves will automatically sync up new versions of Draft to their local working folders when needed, similar to Deadline’s regular auto-update system.

Usage - Creating Draft Templates
In order to use Draft, you will need to write Python scripts (Draft templates), and import the Draft module (ie, add “import Draft” to your script). If you are using Draft as a standalone tool, you will need to ensure Python knows where to look for the Draft module, either by including its install directory in the PYTHONPATH environment variable, or by appending it to sys.path before you do the import. You will also need to set the MAGICK_CONFIGURE_PATH environment variable to point to your install directory; this is so that ImageMagick knows where to find its ‘type.xml’ file (see post on Fonts below for more details). If you are simply planning on using Draft through Deadline, however, you do not need to worry about this at all.

The following post in this thread documents all available Draft functions, and how to use them. Also, I’ve attached some sample templates to show you how it all comes together. These templates expect a number of command line parameters (that are usually passed in by Deadline), and encodes a video while adding a watermark and some annotations to frames, as specified in the input parameters.

It should be noted that the parameters expected at the top of the sample script are all supplied by Deadline’s Draft event plugin; currently, the list of supplied arguments is as follows:
username – Provided by the user when setting up the Draft job.
entity – Provided by the user when setting up the Draft job.
version – Provided by the user when setting up the Draft job.
frameList – The complete list of rendered frames.
startFrame – The first frame number of the sequence.
endFrame – The last frame number of the sequence.
infile – The padded frame sequence filename; padding is denoted by # characters
outfile – An output file
width – The width of the input images (NOT ALWAYS SUPPLIED)
height – The height of the input images (NOT ALWAYS SUPPLIED)

Usage - Submitting Draft Jobs (Deadline)
Currently, we have hooked up Draft functionality to most of our integrated submitters. We plan on expanding this to all of our Monitor submitters as well in the coming Beta builds. Using the Draft functionality in these integrated submission scripts will submit a Draft job to Deadline upon completion of the primary job (using the Draft Event Plugin). The Deadline Draft plugin will be invoked for this second job, and simply runs the Draft template (python script), supplying it any parameters given upon submission. Note that in order to use this functionality, the Draft Event Pluging must be enabled (this can be done through the Deadline Monitor).

Alternatively, there is also a dedicated Draft submission script available in the Deadline Monitor that will allow you to independently submit Draft jobs.

This post will be periodically updated throughout the beta, as is warranted. As usual, don’t hesitate to ask any questions that you might have :slight_smile:


  • Jon

EDIT: Updated post to elaborate a bit more on certain points. (2.5 KB) (2.35 KB) (1.57 KB) (1.61 KB) (1.59 KB)

Here is a complete list of Functions and Classes that are currently available in Draft, as well as a short description on their use and parameters. A short sample code snippet is also posted for each function. If you have any questions regarding any of this functionality, feel free to ask :slight_smile:

These are just basic objects and enums that are used as parameters throughout Draft’s other functions.

Description: This enum contains all the operators available when compositing images.
[list] UndefinedCompositeOp
Sample Code:
compOperator = Draft.CompositeOperator.OverCompositeOp

Type: Enum
Description: This enum contains the different values that can be provided to functions that require positional anchor Arguments.
Sample Code:
anchor = Draft.Anchor.NorthWest

Type: Enum
Description: Deprecated. Please see Anchor instead. This enum contains the different values that can be provided to functions that require positional Arguments.
Sample Code:
gravity = Draft.PositionalGravity.NorthWestGravity

Type: Class
Description: This class represents a color, in RGBA format.
R – A decimal value representing the red component (0.0-1.0)
G – A decimal value representing the green component (0.0-1.0)
B – A decimal value representing the blue component (0.0-1.0)
A – A decimal value representing the alpha component (0.0-1.0)
Sample Code:

newColor = Draft.ColorRGBA( 0.75, 0.54, 0.975, 1.0 )
- or -

newColor = Draft.ColorRGBA() newColor.R = 0.75 newColor.G = 0.54 newColor.B = 0.975 newColor.A = 1.0

Type: Class
Description: A class that contains properties used for textual annotations
PointSize – An integer value denoting the size of the font. (defaults to 32)
FontType – A string value denoting the type of font to use. (defaults to Adobe’s Source Sans Pro)
FontMetric – A FontTypeMetric object used to retrieve font and text properties for the annotation. Its values are set when the annotation is created.
Padding – A decimal value denoting the padding around the text. (defaults to 0.0)
Color – A Draft.ColorRGBA value denoting the color of the text. (defaults to white)
BackgroundColor – A Draft.ColorRGBA value denoting the background color. (defaults to transparent)
DrawShadow – A boolean value denoting whether or not to draw a shadow around the text. (defaults to false)
ShadowColor – A Draft.ColorRGBA value denoting the color of the Shadow. (defaults to black)
Sample Code:

textInfo = Draft.AnnotationInfo() textInfo.PointSize = 24 textInfo.FontType = "Helvetica" textInfo.Color = Draft.ColorRGBA( 0.75, 0.54, 0.975, 1.0 ) textInfo.BackgroundColor = Draft.ColorRGBA( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 )

Type: Class
Description: A class to retrieve font and text properties for annotations.
Ascent – The distance in pixels from the text baseline to the highest/upper grid coordinate used to place an outline point.
Descent – The distance in pixels from the baseline to the lowest grid coordinate used to place an outline point. Always a negative value.
TextHeight – The height in pixels of the text written, this does not include any padding
TextWidth – The width in pixels of the text written, this does not include any padding
BaselineOffset – Offset in pixels from the bottom of the image to the baseline used to write the text. Use this to align text from different point sizes and fonts.
MaxHorizontalAdvance – Maximum horizontal advance in pixels.

The Draft.Image class contains all of Draft’s image-related functionality. It contains two types of functions: Static functions, and Member functions. Static functions can be invoked without an instance (by calling Draft.Image.), whereas Member functions require to be invoked from an instance of a Draft.Image object (by calling .).

The Static functions are used to create new instances of the Draft.Image class, whereas the Member functions are used to modify pre-existing instances of the Draft.Image. The sample code snippets should clarify this distinction function in case you are unsure.

Draft.Image Properties
width – An integer value indicating the width of the image.
height – An integer value indicating the height of the image.

Draft.Image Static Functions:
Type: Static
Description: Returns a new image of the specified size with RGBA channels.
[list]Width – An integer value denoting the width of the image to create
Height – An integer value denoting the height of the image to create
newImage = Draft.Image.CreateImage( 800, 600 )

[i]Type[/i]: Static
[i]Description[/i]: Returns a new image from a file on disk, (supports various image types determined by file extension).
	Filename -- A string value indicating where on the machine to find the image file.

imageFromFile = Draft.Image.ReadFromFile( “//path/to/image/file.png” )

[i]Type[/i]: Static
[i]Description[/i]: Returns a new image consisting of the specified text.  The provided AnnotationInfo object describes the various text parameters.
	Text -- A string value providing the contents of the annotation.
	TextInfo -- A Draft.AnnotationInfo value providing parameters describing how to draw the text.

textInfo = Draft.AnnotationInfo() textImage = Draft.Image.CreateAnnotation( "This is the text that will be in the image", textInfo )

[i]Type[/i]: Static
[i]Description[/i]: Returns an anaglyph of the speficied type created from the two left/right input images.
	LeftImage -- A Draft.Image containing the left-eye image.
	RightImage -- A Draft.Image containing the right-eye image.
	AnaglyphType -- A string value containing the anaglyph type; can be either "LSA" or "PS".

anaglyphImage = Draft.Image.Anaglyph( leftEye, rightEye, “LSA” )

[/list:u]Draft.Image Member Functions
Type: Member
Description: Writes the image to a file on disk, (supports various image types determined by file extension).
[list]Filename – A string value indicating where to save the file to.
someImage = Draft.Image.CreateImage( 800, 600 ) someImage.WriteToFile( "//path/to/save/location.png" )

[i]Type[/i]: Member
[i]Description[/i]: Crops the image to the given bounds.
	Left -- An integer value denoting the left bound of the crop
	Bottom -- An integer value denoting the bottom bound of the crop
	Right -- An integer value denoting the right bound of the crop
	Top -- An integer value denoting the top bound of the crop

someImage = Draft.Image.CreateImage( 800, 600 ) someImage.Crop( 100, 150, 200, 250 )

[i]Type[/i]: Member
[i]Description[/i]: Resizes the image to the given size.
	width -- An integer value denoting the width to which the image will be re-sized.
	height -- An integer value denoting the height to which the image will be re-sized.
	type -- Optional.  A string that specifies how the image data should be scaled to fit the new size.  Default is 'fit'.  Valid type values are:
		[list]* 'none' -- don't scale the image data
		[*]'width' -- scale the image to fit the new width, without changing the aspect ratio
		[*]'height' -- scale the image to fit the new height, without changing the aspect ratio
  • ‘fit’ – scale the image as large as possible while staying inside the new image, without changing the aspect ratio

  • ‘fill’ – scale the image as small as possible while covering the new image, without changing the aspect ratio

  • ‘distort’ – scale the image to match the new width and height, changing the aspect ratio if necessary

      border -- Optional. A string that specifies how the border around a resized image should be set. Default is 'transparent'. Border argument doesn't do anything if the type is 'fill'. Valid border values are:
      	* 'transparent' -- set the border to be transparent
  • ‘stretch’ – stretch the left, right, top and bottom edges of the image to the edge of the resized frame

someImage = Draft.Image.CreateImage( 800, 600 ) someImage.Resize( 1920, 1080 )
- or -

someImage = Draft.Image.CreateImage( 800, 600 ) someImage.Resize( 1920, 1080, 'distort' )
- or -

someImage = Draft.Image.CreateImage( 800, 600 ) someImage.Resize( 1920, 1080, 'fit', 'stretch' )

[i]Type[/i]: Member
[i]Description[/i]: Set an image channel to the specified value.
	channel -- the channel to set.  Typical channels are 'R', 'G', 'B', and 'A'.
	value -- the value to assign to the channel.  Typically in the range from 0.0 to 1.0.
	[code]someImage = Draft.Image.ReadFromFile( "//path/to/some/image/file.png" )

someImage.SetChannel( ‘A’, 1.0 )[/code]

[i]Type[/i]: Member
[i]Description[/i]: Sets the image to the given color.
	Color -- A Draft.ColorRGBA value indicating the color that the image should be set to
	[code]someImage = Draft.Image.CreateImage( 800, 600 )

someImage.SetToColor( Draft.ColorRGBA( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ) )[/code]

[i]Type[/i]: Member
[i]Description[/i]: Apply a gamma correction to the image.
	Gamma -- A float value indicating the gamma that should be applied
	[code]someImage = Draft.Image.ReadFromFile( "//path/to/some/image/file.png" )

someImage.ApplyGamma( 2.2 )[/code]

[i]Type[/i]: Member
[i]Description[/i]: Composites an image with the current image at the given location using the specified compositing operation.
	Image -- A Draft.Image that will be composited with the image on which this function was invoked.
	Left -- A float value that denotes how far from the left the composite operation should take place.
	Bottom -- A float value that denotes how far from the bottom the composite operation should take place.
	Operation -- A Draft.CompositeOperator enum value indicating the type of operation to perform
	[code]someImage = Draft.Image.CreateImage( 800, 600 )

someOtherImage = Draft.Image.ReadFromFile( “//path/to/some/image/file.png” )
someImage.Composite( someOtherImage, 0, 0.33, Draft.CompositeOperator.OverCompositeOp )[/code]

[i]Type[/i]: Member
[i]Description[/i]: Composites an image with the current image using the specified positional anchor to determine the location of the image being composited.
	Image -- A Draft.Image that will be composited with the image on which this function was invoked.
	Anchor -- A Draft.Anchor enum value used to determine the location on the current image where Image will be composited.
	Operation -- A Draft.CompositeOperator enum value indicating operation to perform
	[code]someImage = Draft.Image.CreateImage( 800, 600 )

someOtherImage = Draft.Image.ReadFromFile( “//path/to/some/image/file.png” )
someImage.CompositeWithAnchor( someOtherImage, Draft.Anchor.NorthWest, Draft.CompositeOperator.OverCompositeOp )[/code]

[i]Type[/i]: Member
[i]Description[/i]: Deprecated.  Please see CompositeWithAnchor instead.  Composites an image with the current image using the specified positional gravity to determine the location of the image being composited.
	Image -- A Draft.Image that will be composited with the image on which this function was invoked.
	Gravity -- A Draft.PositionalGravity enum value used to determine the location of the image being composited.
	Operation -- A Draft.CompositeOperator enum value indicatingoperation to perform
	[code]someImage = Draft.Image.CreateImage( 800, 600 )

someOtherImage = Draft.Image.ReadFromFile( “//path/to/some/image/file.png” )
someImage.CompositeWithGravity( someOtherImage, Draft.PositionalGravity.NorthWestGravity, Draft.CompositeOperator.OverCompositeOp )[/code]

[i]Type[/i]: Member
[i]Description[/i]: Composites an image with the current image at the given location using the specified compositing operation and positional anchor.
	Image -- A Draft.Image that will be composited with the image on which this function was invoked.
	Left -- A float value that denotes how far from the left (as a percentage of the width) the composite operation should take place.
	Bottom -- A float value that denotes how far from the bottom (as a percentage of the height) the composite operation should take place.
	Anchor -- A Draft.Anchor enum value used to determine the location of the image being composited.  The Anchor specifies which location of the image being composited will be anchored at the location specified by (Left, Bottom).
	Operation -- A Draft.CompositeOperator enum value indicatingoperation to perform.
	[code]someImage = Draft.Image.CreateImage( 800, 600 )

someOtherImage = Draft.Image.ReadFromFile( “//path/to/some/image/file.png” )
someImage.CompositeWithPositionAndAnchor( someOtherImage, 0, 0.66, Draft.Anchor.NorthWest, Draft.CompositeOperator.OverCompositeOp )[/code]

[i]Type[/i]: Member
[i]Description[/i]: Deprecated.  Please see CompositeWithPositionAndAnchor instead.  Composites an image with the current image at the given location using the specified compositing operation and positional gravity.
	Image -- A Draft.Image that will be composited with the image on which this function was invoked.
	Left -- A float value that denotes how far from the left the composite operation should take place.
	Bottom -- A float value that denotes how far from the bottom the composite operation should take place.
	Gravity -- A Draft.PositionalGravity enum value used to determine the location of the image being composited.
	Operation -- A Draft.CompositeOperator enum value indicatingoperation to perform.
	[code]someImage = Draft.Image.CreateImage( 800, 600 )

someOtherImage = Draft.Image.ReadFromFile( “//path/to/some/image/file.png” )
someImage.CompositeWithPositionAndGravity( someOtherImage, 0, 0.66, Draft.PositionalGravity.NorthWestGravity, Draft.CompositeOperator.OverCompositeOp )[/code]

[i]Type[/i]: Member
[i]Description[/i]: Premultiply the image's R, G, and B channels by the A (alpha) channel.  The image is modified in-place.
[i]Arguments[/i]: (none)
	[code]someImage = Draft.Image.ReadFromFile( "//path/to/some/image/file.png" )


[i]Type[/i]: Member
[i]Description[/i]: Unpremultiply the image's R, G, and B channels by the A (alpha) channel.  The image is modified in-place.
[i]Arguments[/i]: (none)
	[code]someImage = Draft.Image.ReadFromFile( "//path/to/some/image/file.png" )


The Draft.LUT class contains Draft’s methods for working with Color Look-Up Tables (LUT). It contains two types of functions: Static functions, and Member functions. Static functions can be invoked without an instance (by calling Draft.LUT.), whereas Member functions must be invoked from an instance of a Draft.LUT object (by calling .).

The Static functions are used to create new instances of the Draft.LUT class, whereas the Member functions are used to work with existing instances of the Draft.LUT. The sample code snippets should clarify this distinction function in case you are unsure.

Draft.LUT Static Functions:
Type: Static
Description: Return a new linear-to-Cineon LUT.
[list]blackLevel – Optional. An integer value in the range [0…1023] indicating the black level. Defaults to 95.
whiteLevel – Optional. An integer value in the range [0…1023] indicating the white level. Defaults to 685.
cineonLut = Draft.LUT.CreateCineon()

[i]Type[/i]: Static
[i]Description[/i]: Return a new linear-to-Alexa V3 Log C LUT.
[i]Arguments[/i]: (none)

alexaLut = Draft.LUT.CreateAlexaV3LogC()

[i]Type[/i]: Static
[i]Description[/i]: Return a new linear-to-sRGB LUT.
[i]Arguments[/i]: (none)

srgbLut = Draft.LUT.CreateSRGB()

[i]Type[/i]: Static
[i]Description[/i]: Return a new linear-to-Rec. 709 LUT.
[i]Arguments[/i]: (none)

rec709Lut = Draft.LUT.CreateRec709()

[i]Type[/i]: Static
[i]Description[/i]: Return a new linear-to-Gamma LUT.
	gamma -- A float value indicating the gamma to apply.

gammaLut = Draft.LUT.CreateGamma(2.2)

Draft.LUT Member Functions
Type: Member
Description: Transform a Draft.Image’s color using this LUT.
[list]image – The image to transform. The image will be transformed in-place.
image = Draft.Image.ReadFromFile( '//path/to/some/image/file.png' ) lut = Draft.LUT.CreateSRGB() lut.Apply( image )

[i]Type[/i]: Member
[i]Description[/i]: Return a new LUT that performs the inverse operation of this LUT.
[i]Arguments[/i]: (none)
	[code]cineonLut = Draft.LUT.CreateCineon()
	inverseCineonLut = cineonLut.Inverse()[/code][/list:u]

Draft Video Classes/Functions
These classes and functions relate to either encoding or decoding video content.

Type: Function
Description: Rearranges the atoms inside the input QT file to enable playback without first loading the entire file.
[list]InputFile – The filename of the input .mov file
OutputFile – The filename of the output .mov file

Draft.QTFastStart( "/path/to/", "/path/to/" )

Type: Class
Constructor Arguments:
Filename – A string value indicating where the Video to decode can be found.

fps -- The average frame rate of the video.
width -- The width of a video frame.
height -- The height of a video frame.

Member Functions:

[i]Description[/i]: Decodes a frame from the video and returns it by reference through the Image argument.  This function returns a boolean to indicate whether or not the decode succeeded.
	[list]Image -- A Draft image object used to return the decoded frame.
[code]decoder = Draft.VideoDecoder( "//path/to/video/" )

frameImage = Draft.Image.CreateImage( 800, 600 )
while( decoder.DecodeNextFrame( frameImage ) ):
#process the decoded frames here[/code]

[i]Description[/i]: Decodes a specified frame from the video and returns it by reference through the Image argument.  This function returns a boolean to indicate whether or not the decode succeeded.
	FrameNumber -- An integer indicating which frame should be decoded.
	Image -- A Draft image object used to return the decoded frame.
[code]decoder = Draft.VideoDecoder( "//path/to/video/" )

frameImage = Draft.Image.CreateImage( 800, 600 )
if decoder.DecodeFrame( 100, frameImage ):
#Process frameImage here…[/code]

Type: Class
Constructor Arguments:
filename – A string value indicating where the video file should be saved.
fps – Optional. An integer, float, or Fraction value indicating the framerate to use. Default is 24.
width – Optional. An integer value indicating the width to use. Default is 640.
height – Optional. An integer value indicating the height to use. Default is 480.
kbitRate – Optional. An integer value indicating the kbit rate to use. Default is None, which corresponds to quality = 85.
codec – Optional. A string value indicating the Codec to use. Default is ‘MJPEG’. Valid codec values are: ‘MPEG4’, ‘MJPEG’, ‘DNXHD’, ‘H264’, ‘PRORES’, and ‘RAWVIDEO’.
audioFilename – Optional. A string value indicating the file name of an audio file to include in the video. This can be an empty string for no audio file. Default is ‘’.
audioDelay – Optional. An integer value indicating the delay to apply to the audio file, measured in frames. Default is 0.

Named arguments:
quality – An integer in the range [0…100] indicating the video encoding quality to use. Greater values correspond to higher quality. Only one of quality or kbitRate can be specified.

encoder = Draft.VideoEncoder( "//path/to/video/" )
- or, to specify the frame rate and frame size -
encoder = Draft.VideoEncoder( "//path/to/video/", 24, 800, 600 )
- or, to include an audio file -
encoder = Draft.VideoEncoder( "//path/to/video/", audioFilename='//path/to/audio/load.wav' )
- or, to use a specific quality and codec -
encoder = Draft.VideoEncoder( "//path/to/video/", quality=80, codec='H264' )

Member Functions:
Description: Encodes a given draft image as the next frame in the video.
[list]Image – The image to encode into the next frame of the video

defaultEncoder = Draft.VideoEncoder( "//path/to/video/" ) defaultEncoder.EncodeNextFrame( Draft.Image.CreateImage( 800, 600 ) )

[i]Description[/i]: Finalizes the encoding process, completing the video.
[i]Arguments[/i]: (none)

encoder = Draft.VideoEncoder( "//path/to/", 29, 800, 600, 5120, "MJPEG" ) #encode some frames here... encoder.FinalizeEncoding()
- or, to use a Fraction FPS -

from fractions import Fraction fps = Fraction(30000, 1001) encoder = Draft.VideoEncoder( "//path/to/", fps, 800, 600, 5120, "MJPEG" )


These functions provide information about the Draft library itself.

Description: This function returns a string containing information about Draft, and its contributors.
Sample Code:
print Draft.LibraryInfo.About()

Description: This function returns a string containing the version of the Draft library being used.
Sample Code:
print Draft.LibraryInfo.Version()


  • Jon

[size=150]Additional Notes[/size]
A Note on Fonts:
Draft uses a third party library (ImageMagick) to do most of the legwork with textual annotations, among other things. In order for this to work, ImageMagick needs to know which fonts are available on your system, and where to find them. This is solved by the “type.xml” file that we ship with Draft; for Windows and Mac it specifies default fonts and their locations. For Linux, the type.xml file we’re shipping is empty, because Linux is always a bit of a wild west as far as standard defaults go.

If you wish to use non-default fonts (or build a type.xml file for your Linux distro), there’s good news! The folks at ImageMagick have made a handy Perl script that will build it for you. All you have to do is run it on the machine for which you want to generate a new type.xml file, and stick the output file in the Draft install folder, overriding the previous “type.xml”.

External link: … k_type_gen

Note: Make sure to read the usage notes at the top of the script!

A Note On FFmpeg
Draft makes use of the FFmpeg libraries, which are licensed under LGPL v2.1. As such, we must provide a copy of the source we used to compile FFmpeg, and basic instructions instructions on how we built it (configure commands). And so, here is a link to a .zip file containing the source we used (FFmpeg 0.7.7 for Beta 5 and older, 0.9 for Beta 6-8, and 0.10.2 for Beta 9-11, 0.11.1 for Beta 12-15, 1.0 for Beta 16, and 2.3.3 for 1.2 beta 2), a copy of the static libraries we built and linked against, as well as a list of the configure commands we used to build for each operating system.

It also contains a copy of the LGPL v2.1 license for reference. (11.3 MB)

Updated the usage information with the QTFastStart and LibraryInfo functions.
Also fixed erroneous description of the DecodeFrame functions (I had them listed as returning the DraftImage, but they actually pass this back by reference)

Added a couple templates to the original post. They are both very similar, and will create a fullsize DNXHD video, along with a halfsize H264 version. They will also create a Slate containing some basic info pulled from the command line arguments, and from the Deadline Job.

In addition to this, the “burnins” version will add some simple burnins to each individual frame, whereas the other one keeps the frames clean.

Updated the usage information to reflect changes in Beta 8 and 9.