In app Maya submission

Hi, I’ve tested submitting a maya 2013 project from the monitor. That works fine but when I try and submit via the in app Maya submission it seems to be giving me a 5.2 submission dialogue and nothings showing up in the monitor (or the render directory) despite a 'successful 'submission.

Screen Shot 2012-11-06 at 17.05.03.png

I’ve updated the userSetup.mel file to include source “Deadline-MayaClient.mel”; and dropped Deadline-MayaClient.mel into ~/Library/Preferences/Autodesk/maya/2013-x64/scripts as per the Deadline6.pdf

I deleted the old shelf (from 5.2) to try and flush it out. The shelf loads again fine and clicking it pops up the submission dialogue as expected but it’s appearance is very 5.2 rather than 6.

Am I doing something wrong or is this still in development?


Hi Chris,

This issue should be fixed in the Deadline-MayaClient.mel file that is shipped with beta 5. I’ve attached it here so you can test it now.

Let me know if this helps.


Hi Ryan,

Not fixed it for me I’m afraid. The .mel looks to be identical to the one I had.

Pretty sure I’ve got the Maya side of things right so could it be something to do with my repository install of 6 over 5.2? All I did was point the installer at our existing repository directory and assumed it would be overwriting. I’m thinking I’ve assumed wrong?

I’ve attached /submission/Maya/Main/SubmitMayaToDeadline.mel from the repository which line of code in Deadline-MayaClient.mel seems to be pointing to.

string $root = SafeDeadlineCommand( “-getrepositoryroot” );
string $scriptPath = CheckSlashes( $root + “/submission/Maya/Main/SubmitMayaToDeadline.mel” );

Possible problem? (30.2 KB)

Also, on the header of the submission mel it reads:

// InitDeadlineSubmitter.mel:
// This file belongs in Maya\scripts\startup\

I’m not putting it in Maya\scripts\startup\ but ~/Library/Preferences/Autodesk/maya/2013-x64/scripts

Where did you install Deadline 6 to on the workstation you’re submitting from? The Deadline-MayaClient.mel script tries to run deadlinecommand from the default install location if it exists, which is /Applications/Thinkbox/Deadline6/Resources. If it doesn’t exist here, then it assumes that deadlinecommand is in the PATH and runs it that way. So if you didn’t install Deadline 6 to /Applications/Thinkbox/Deadline6, and the Deadline 5 deadlinecommand is in your PATH, that would explain why it’s submitting to Deadline 5.

Also, Deadline 6 requires a clean Repository installation to avoid potential problems.


  • Ryan

Still having issues.

Uninstalled and deleted any files of repository on our server. Emptied trash.
Reinstalled Repository to /Volumes/Mainframe/ThinkboxRepository6

Uninstalled Client and deleted any signs of deadline5.
Fresh reinstall of Deadline6 to default location /Applications/Thinkbox/Deadline6
deadlinecommand exists in /Applications/Thinkbox/Deadline6/Resources

Monitor on client machine can communicate to Repository.

userSetup.mel file includes

and I’ve dropped Deadline-MayaClient.mel into ~/Library/Preferences/Autodesk/maya/2013-x64/scripts (the same place as userSetup.mel)

I’ve deleted the old shelf from Maya and relaunched. Deadline shelf appears as expected.

The ‘success’ message seems to be slightly different (see attached) but I’m still not getting jobs added to the Monitor queue.

Bit confused now!


As a follow up to that I renamed the DeadlineRepository6/submission/Maya/Main/SubmitMayaToDeadline.mel on the Repository and tried to run the submission script from the shelf and it failed/couldn’t find that file (as expected).

Not sure if that helps?

Getting errors in AE submission as well if that points to the problem? It launches the submission fine but I can’t submit due to the errors in Pool and Group.

Hmm, maybe there is a just a more general submission issue on the Mac. Maybe the installer isn’t adding Deadline to the PATH properly. We’ll do some testing here.

Out of curiosity, can you try restarting the machine to see if that helps?

Hi Ryan, restarted client and repository machine and no change I’m afraid.

Repository is on an older OS (10.6.8) if that makes any difference?

When you say ‘the PATH’ is that just the path to the repository directory?

Thanks for testing that.

I meant the PATH environment variable. The OS version should be fine (I’ll be testing on that version here). I hope to do some testing later today or tomorrow.

Sorry. It took me a bit longer to get to testing this than I had planned.

I was able to reproduce these problems on OSX and fix them, so they should work properly in beta 6 (which we hope to upload tomorrow).


  • Ryan

Ace, thanks.

Beta 6 has fixed the in app submission problem we were having for Maya and AE. Cheers.