Include Maps?

Is there a way to “include maps” when submitting to Deadline from Max 9?

I know a central share is the best workflow, but this option would be handy. Does it already exist in Deadline?


Yes, in previous versions of the SMTD script, there was a checkbox in

the Render tab that would allow you to submit external files with the scene.

In the latest 2.7 update, we changed it to a drop-down list which allows

you to submit only local files (found on a drive from A: to F:) or all

files, regardless of where they are located. Also, we improved a lot the

collecting mechanism, so it should find textures hidden deep in 3rd

party renderers like V-Ray and Brazil (at least 1.x).

Since we do not use this feature AT ALL at Frantic, it is still

considered WIP and we would love to hear reports about any problems with it.

This feature is NOT available from the Monitor, only from the Submit Max

To Deadline MAXScript.



Great — thanks, Bobo - - we’ll check it out and report any problems.

Bobo, I can’t find this in the SMTD 2.7… which tab should I be looking at?

Look in the second (Render) tab.

In the latest version, there is a drop-down list in the 5th line saying:

Do NOT copy Bitmaps to Repository

Copy LOCAL Bitmaps to Repository

Copy ALL Bitmaps to Repository

In the older version of the script, there was a checkbox at the same place which was giving you only options 1 and 3.

thanks, Bobo – so where do we find the latest scripts?

thanks, Bobo – so where do we

find the latest scripts?

*In 3ds Max, go to MAXScript > Run Script.

*Navigate to your Deadline Repository\clientSetup\3dsmax\Deadline-SubmitMaxToDeadline.mcr

*Press Open to run this script.

*If you haven’t yet, go to Customize…>Customize User Interface > Deadline Category > Submit To Deadline 2.7

and drag it to a toolbar, menu, Quad or assign to a shortcut.

This script is NOT the submitter, it is the Loader/Updater of the Submitter.

When you run it, it will pull the latest version of the real SMTD from the correct location in your Repository, build it (it has to assemble multiple files depending on Max version / ActiveX / DotNet controls etc.) and run it - that’s when the GUI appears. So if you would update to a newer version of Deadline months later, running this MacroScript updater will ALWAYS pull whatever was installed last in your Repository and you will always be using the most recent version of SMTD.

cool, thanks for the good info

I have downloaded the latest Max QT patch, but I’m not seeing those map options and we’re using Deadline 2.7.29178


cool, thanks for the good info

I have downloaded the latest

Max QT patch, but I’m not

seeing those map options and

we’re using Deadline 2.7.29178

Hmm, we are running the exact same version of Deadline here. Could you go to your repository and check out the date and size of the file


The version we are running is 151,918 bytes from Wednesday, August 22, 2007, 1:47:12 PM

If your file is a lot older, then somehow the update did not copy the scripts over…

I could send you a ZIP file with the necessary files and you could copy them manually.

that must be the problem

date: 5/17/2007 6:32pm

size: 136Kb

if you could email them that’d be great, thanks

joescarr at

thanks, Bobo – I did a quick test and it worked great. Will let you know if we see anything else…

Is it possible to have the file emailed also to me please?

thanks in advance


Attached is a ZIP file with the latest version of SMTD 2.7.

Please back up the content of yourRepository\submission\3dsmax and then unzip the file in the same folder. It will NOT overwrite the private sanity check definitions or sticky settings INI files, only the actual submission code.

Then, you will have to run the attached SubmitMaxToDeadline.mcr script file using MAXScript>Run Script... - this is necessary to update the SMTD loader. There are some new files being loaded that weren't there before.

In addition to improvements in the area of including external files, this update includes the following features:

  • Fixed Region Crop Rendering which was failing jobs because of missing Tile Assembler.
  • Added Region Gizmo for specifying a Crop Region interactively (uses a manipulator plugin)
  • Added Tiles Preview in the viewport using a manipulator plugin
  • Fixed Tile Master submissions to allow included external files to be submitted with the spawned Tile Jobs
  • Fixed a Sanity Check which was failing when the file name ended with a period before the trailing numbers, like image.0000.tga
  • Some other bug fixes


Please let me know if you find any problems.

Borislav "Bobo" Petrov
Technical Director VFX
Frantic Films Winnipeg

Thanks for the files.

Yesterday I did a little test and everything seems to work very well :slight_smile:

I was doing a little test also with After Effect, which is the reason why I’m interested in buying Deadline (the ability of using it with multiple rendering softwares) but I’m getting some strange errors.

Do you want me to open a new tread about it?

thanks again for the helpful help

Hi Michele,

Yes, please start a new thread for your After Effects problem, and if

you can post the error messages you are getting, that would be great!
