Infile naming problem

Im not sure if this is purely a Draft problem. I’m trying to make a Draft job from right clicking on the the job in the job list in Monitor, and selecting Scripts - Submit Draft Job. The files (rendered on the slaves with Cinema4d) are named “wave004_0000.png, wave004_0001.png” etc on disk.
After submitting i get this error message (partial). You can tell by the inFile parameter that Draft is looking for the wrong file name: “wave004####.png” It looks like the underscore between the file name and the file numberis being truncated somewhere.

0: STDOUT: inFile=/Volumes/PITLANE/#project name#/3D/5 Render/tiles-wave-004/wave004####.png 0: STDOUT: outFile=/Volumes/PITLANE/#project name#/3D/5 Render/tiles-wave-004/Draft/ 0: STDOUT: startFrame=0 0: STDOUT: endFrame=125 0: STDOUT: frameList=0-125 0: STDOUT: deadlineJobID=999_050_999_47212870 0: STDOUT: Traceback (most recent call last): 0: STDOUT: File "/Volumes/DeadlineRepository/Draft/", line 33, in <module> 0: STDOUT: inFrame = Image.ReadFromFile(inFile) 0: STDOUT: RuntimeError: ./src/file_io/magick_file_io.cpp@261.read_file - Magick: UnableToOpenFile `/Volumes/PITLANE/#project name#/3D/5 Render/tiles-wave-004/wave0040000.png' @ error/png.c/ReadPNGImage/3632


I think this is a Monitor problem, not Draft one. (Please move the thread) When i try to right click on a task (of said job) to view its finished frames, i get the same problem as mentioned above. The files on disk are called "“wave004_0000.png” but monitor thinks the frames are called: “wave0040000.png”


Which version of Deadline are you using? 5.1 release, or a newer Beta version? Just want to make sure I’m moving this to the right forum, and looking in the right place :slight_smile:

I also noticed that there was another part of the filename that would likely be an issue: ‘/Volumes/PITLANE/#project name#/…’
I’m assuming ‘#project name#’ isn’t actually part of the path… Is that a token that C4D uses to swap in the Project Name? If so, it sounds like we’ll also have to change our C4D submission script to properly evaluate that before passing it to Deadline.


  • Jon

Were using Deadline 5.1.46697.
The #project name# is something i replaced before posting :slight_smile: Theres a real project name in the actual path. No need to alter the C4d submission scripts :slight_smile:


Hm. Still haven’t figured this out. Any ideas?


I’m currently looking at this now, I’ll keep you posted :slight_smile:

In the meantime, I’m moving this thread to the Deadline Beta forums


  • Jon

So I’ve found what the problem is, Cinema4D actually appends an underscore automagically if your output path ends with a digit, which Deadline didn’t account for in older versions. The weird thing is that should already be fixed in 5.1.46697 (this was fixed a few beta versions ago)…

Anyways, try extracting the following script to your repository, under the ‘submission/Cinema4D’ folder. That should fix it so that Deadline matches C4D’s behaviour and appends an underscore if the output path ends with a digit.


Both the old and the new Cinema4d submitter works fine. It adds an underscore when the last character is a digit.
I made a test with two scenes: One has a digit as the last character in the output filename, and the other one has an underscore. Both scenes/jobs writes files to disk with an underscore before the framenumbers when rendered on the slaves:



So the submitter works fine :slight_smile:

Now when i doubble click one of the the finnished tasks in Monitor, the Image Viewer dialog is looking for files with 5-digit framenumbers, not 4 as is written to disk.



In addition, the job “digit-as-last-char” is not passing the correct filename to Monitor. Its looking for "digits-as-last-char-v0100000.png (no underscore)


Ok, thanks for clarifying! I’ll have another look at this and get back to you


  • Jon

Hey Bonsak,

We haven’t been able to reproduce this at all here… At this point I think we’d need a copy of your Job file, and possibly a super simple scene file that reproduces the problem on your end. You can zip them up and either post them here, or send them to us through our ticket system.

Also, which version of C4D have you been using? We’ve been using R13 to test here, and while I don’t think that would really change anything, it’s another variable we can eliminate.


  • Jon

Heres a link to two test jobs, both scenefiles and some frames of the output. Were using R13.


Hm. This is the weirdest thing ever. When trying the same jobs again this morning, everything is working like a charm!?


Huh, that’s weird. I’m guessing there might have been some weird caching stuff going on in C4D with the submission script after you replaced it… Or some other voodoo.

Either way, good to hear it’s working now!


  • Jon