Infrastructure not creating

Hi guys,

I’ve successfully installed all the components and it all seems to be up and running but when I try to create infrastructure nothing happens. Iget an error in the monitor telling me to check stack logs on AWS but no attempt was made to create anything. Any suggestions as to what the issue could be?

You must look at the logs to see if “no attempt was made to create anything” :slight_smile:

Chances are the Deadline Infrastructure CloudFormation hits a limit in your account, and rolls back. A lot of customers get the first attempt rolled back because AWS needs to review the request - if you have never created anything in that account, there is a “sanity check” to see if what the CloudFormation is creating should be allowed.

Sometimes the second attempt to create the Infrastructure goes through as the review is usually automatic, and unblocks whatever was preventing the first attempt. Also, you should see a ResourceTracker stack successfully created under the CloudFormation service in your AWS Management Console, as it is created only once when you first attempt to create an Infrastructure.

So if you have not tried to do a second Infrastructure launch after the first one, give it a try and see if it is still not creating successfully.

To check the log, log in to the AWS Management Console in a web browser, enter CloudFormation in the search field, select the Infrastructure stack above the ResourceTracker stack (if it exists), and look under the Events tab. Scan from bottom to top for the first error message (as any higher up error messages would be likely side effects of the first one). Copy it and paste it here.

Hi Bobo,

Thanks for the reply.
After another attempt there was a stack created but it was marked ‘rolling back’.
I see there are errors in the events tab. Please see attached.
Nosuchbucket? Is it referring to the bucket specified in the asset server settings? As far as I can tell that does exist.

No, that is a different bucket. This is the ResourceTracker CloudFormation stack that is failing to create, not the Infrastructure. I have never seen it failing before. Will have to leave it to support to handle - feel free to email support AT thinkboxsoftware DOT com with the log attached.

ok thanks Bobo will do

For future reference: We experienced the same problem, and it turned out some resources are not available in all regions. Thus try creating your stack in another (older) region.