Initial Feedback!

Looking for any initial feedback!

Obviously we have bugs in beta001… :imp: but those will get squashed quickly - but want to check in on the new UI experience, on the filtering, on the graphing…on the performance…!


All the UI-stuff looks very promising. It can feel like its a little too easy to rearrange the UI at times. Maybe it should require just a little more effort to move panels around? I accidentaly change the UI without wanting to quite often when using Monitor.


Some apps and elements (like 3dsMax CUI, Windows Taskbar) have an option to LOCK the UI to prevent accidental changes. Would that be a good solution?


I like the new look, seems quicker, and fast. There seem to be alot of options on the right click menu, such as resubmit etc, that I preume will be added intime, or there is a new method. The top lcon bar with the load and save layouts etc, maybe that could be better utilised with other icons for short cuts.

There are a few pretty fundimently issues that have stopped us from testing very much, but I think they will be fixed in the next beta and am looking forward to playing further then!!


I’ve played around a little bit. I’m waiting for the Power management implementation before I install it. I like the versatility and could see why this would make the job monitor obsolete and you can design a layout to fulfill that view. But it made me think if there were 2-3 views that would be really handy as presets, like default, job monitor-esque or farm health. Its easy enough to load these layouts. Its easy enough to load layouts, but would it be worth it to add hotkeys or a small toolbar of 1,2,3 that you could assign layouts to for hotswapping? I like how uncluttered it is compared to 5.x.

The only problem I’ve found with the UI is if you tear off the bottom, doublewide slave pane I couldn’t put it back as double wide. I had to add it under a preexisting column and then move the other column to the left to get it back. I guess this is what reset layout is for.

Thanks everyone for your feedback! Keep it coming! :slight_smile:

The “Lock” idea is interesting. We’ll look into this.

Many of the missing right-click options will be added soon.

The Power Management UI should be functional in beta 2. So you should be able to start testing PM when it is released.

I like the idea of storing preset layouts. I think when we add the Monitor Options back, we could store a preset favorites list, and then hook that into the toolbar for easy access. Would probably be helpful to store an alternative for the default layout as well.

With the dockable panels, you are basically docking one panel next to another (or on top of to form tabs), which is why if you tear the slave panel off the bottom of the default layout, you can only redock it to the job list or the task list. To get back to the original layout, you could dock the slaves to the bottom of the jobs, then undock the tasks and redock them to the right of the jobs.


  • Ryan

Job Filter status:

In 5.3, the job filter status is a list of checkboxes, which is handy because there are 8 possible values and as a new user I didn’t know these beforehand.

In 6, you are left a blank text input, so again as a new user the valid inputs require looking them up (blech!). Ideally this would be an enum dropdown list or if it must remain a text input, is there a way to add a tooltip of possible values?

Window Dressing:
Submit->After Effects
Goto the Shotgun/Draft tab.
Choose the Draft Template elipsis.
“Template Files” is misspelled in the dropdown file type.

A lock button is a nice idea. In Cinema 4D the hotspot for grabbing and rearranging the UI-elemnts is very small. Maybe that could be an idea? Or maybe the user is required to press Alt or Ctrl etc to be able to grab and rearrange UI-elements?


In spite of the appearance issues on Fedora (and likely other Red Hat derivatives), I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the UI performance on Linux thus far.

Unfortunately, since I’m currently testing on out-of-pipe VMs, I haven’t been able to put any jobs through it yet. It would be great is to have some of the more generic job plugins (ffmpeg, Command Script, and Python) updated and rolled into the beta so I can start testing scheduling, execution, logging, stats, etc.

I don’t really have issues with accidentally rearranging the UI, but I can see how it could be an issue in some circumstances, and I think Bobo’s idea of an option to lock the current layout would be a good solution.

I also agree with oatz that having a set of preset layouts would be very nice. I think Nuke’s UI layout system is a good cue to build off of; basically:

  • Give the user several (3-6?) slots in which they can save layouts
  • Make it easy to save/restore them using hotkeys
  • Don’t auto-save any of the layout slots when the UI is manually rearranged
    [list] []That is, allow me to reload slot 2 and then move one panel somewhere else without overwriting my saved layout
    [] If implemented, a “Lock UI” option should still allow me to restore saved layouts, but should prevent “freeform” manipulation of the currently active layout[/:m][/list:u]