input particles


Anyway to input the whole pflow system through input particles node in the stoke field? It seems to only support one event.


It is on the Wish List, but currently it isn’t possible.

In Max 2015, the Event picker dialog shows a PFSource 001->PFSource 001 item by accident (it does not show in Max 2013), but that is just a glitch in the script figuring out the Events list. Picking that object does not read any data, because there isn’t any. We would need the internal implementation of Magma to do an implicit loop through all connected Events and collect their particles. Right now, we can only read channels from an actual ParticleContainer which can be only an Event.
I guess supporting a list of multiple Events in a single InputParticles object would also be an option.

Obviously, the current workaround would be to save the PFlow to PRT…

Thanks for explanation Bobo. Prt it is. :slight_smile: