InputObject broken ?


it seems i cant work with objects in magma 2.0 if i use the old krakatoa channel modifier it works fine

You are using InputObject in a Geometry socket.

InputObject is for ANY scene object in 3ds Max (equivalent to “Scene Node” in MAXScript speech). That includes Lights, Helpers etc.
InputGeometry is for MESHES. It is equivalent to GeometryClass objects in MAXScript. That includes primitives, Editable Meshes, EPolys, Patches and NURBS.
If you drag a wire from the empty Geometry socket of NeatestPoint, it will make an InputGeometry for you.

The InputObject is meant for use with the PropertyQuery operator that gives you access to any property of the object accessible to MAXScript, including its Transforms, base object properties, modifier properties, material properties etc.

Note the ERROR MESSAGE which tells you “Magma expected InputGeometry node…” :smiley:

… i am that stupid :frowning: so obvious and i dont see it sorry

I beg to differ :slight_smile:
It is our fault, we should have put a system in place to disallow incorrect connections. We are thinking about it.

(The drawback would be that if you change an operator type while connected, some of its connections could become disconnected, like in Box #3. I don’t like that).