Install on Arch linux

On some computers i would like to install on Arch linux.
While all is working OK (beside the app launcher icons garbled) I can’t install deadline launcher to start as a service automatically complaining /etc/init.d isn’t here.
What exactly is the way to start deadline on this type of computers ?

It looks like Arch uses systemd by default, so you would need to create a systemd script that starts the launcher.



What exactly is needed at startup to render, the launcher or the client ?

Deadline Slave needs to be running, connected to the Repository/DB and licensed to do rendering.



Any chance to get a systemd start script ? even a basic one ?

I did some quick digging, and it looks like something like this might work: (I still need to test this)


Description=Deadline Launcher Service

ExecStart=/opt/Thinkbox/Deadline8/bin/deadlinelauncher -daemon -nogui
ExecStop=/opt/Thinkbox/Deadline8/bin/deadlinelauncher -shutdown

The install directions for that file can be found over here (which is where I cribbed the file for this example): … Files.html

If that doesn’t work, I’ll spool up a CentOS VM and test things out. We’re just a bit light on staff today (holiday here in Canada). I can attack it deeper throughout the week.

Thanks, I’ll try this first, then I’ll let you know.

I totally winged it, so I’m maybe 50/50 confident that it’ll work, but the startup and shutdown parts are the most important bits.