Installation Error... again

Every since 5.1 about 2/3rds of my repository installations end in tears:

[code]rror in action ExecuteAction

Error in action InstallSelectedFiles

error deleting “F:/repository5/flexlmTools/win32/.A5341316-1A51-4F55-B2DB-74A81F2E8223.lmgrd.exe”: permission denied
while executing
"file delete -force $roll "
(procedure “::InstallJammer::actions::InstallSelectedFiles” line 162)
invoked from within
“::InstallJammer::actions::$component $this”
while executing
“$obj execute”
(procedure “::InstallJammer::ExecuteActions” line 69)
invoked from within
“::InstallJammer::ExecuteActions $action -parent $id -conditions $eval”
(procedure “::InstallJammer::actions::ExecuteAction” line 35)
invoked from within
“::InstallJammer::actions::$component $this”
Error in action ExecuteAction

Error in action InstallSelectedFiles

error deleting “F:/repository5/flexlmTools/win32/.A5341316-1A51-4F55-B2DB-74A81F2E8223.lmgrd.exe”: permission denied
while executing
"file delete -force $roll "
(procedure “::InstallJammer::actions::InstallSelectedFiles” line 162)
invoked from within
“::InstallJammer::actions::$component $this”
while executing
“$obj execute”
(procedure “::InstallJammer::ExecuteActions” line 69)
invoked from within
“::InstallJammer::ExecuteActions $action -parent $id -conditions $eval”
(procedure “::InstallJammer::actions::ExecuteAction” line 35)
invoked from within
“::InstallJammer::actions::$component $this”
while executing
“$obj execute”
(procedure “::InstallJammer::ExecuteActions” line 69)
invoked from within
“::InstallJammer::ExecuteActions $id -when $when”
(procedure “::InstallJammer::RaiseEventHandler” line 93)
invoked from within
“::InstallJammer::RaiseEventHandler .wizard”
(command bound to event)[/code]

Is it always the same file that you get these errors on (lmgrd.exe in this case)? Is it always these “permission denied” errors? We’re still using the same version of the installer software we did with 5.1, and the software controls how it installs the actual files, so it’s strange that this issue just started creeping up for you in 5.1.

We will be looking at new installer solutions for 6.0, but there is no way to know if this type of issue will be fixed as a result.

Could you just have it ignore similar errors? The real problem is that the installation dies and our repository gets stuck in a non-functional purgatory without any plugin configuration.

No, we can’t. This part of the installation procedure is out of our control, and this error is causing an exception that isn’t handled by the installer, which causes it to die. This is one of a handful of reasons we’re looking at alternatives.

You don’t happen to be running the license server out of the repository folder, are you (F:/repository5/flexlmTools/win32)? That’s why I was asking if you always saw the same error, because it’s complaining about the lmgrd.exe file, which could be “in use” if you’re running the license server directly out of the repository.


  • Ryan

Am I not supposed to?

It’s not that you can’t, but if you are, that could definitely explain the problem, since the license server files would be in use. We would recommend copying the contents of F:/repository5/flexlmTools/win32 to another location on the system and run the license server from there. I bet this will prevent this issue from occurring again going forward.


  • Ryan

Ok, I’ll try and move it before installing the next build and let you know.