Hello all. Brand new user here. I am trying to install the Deadline Client Bin Directory and I’ve run into a frustrating error. There was a similar post put here that never found a solution. Whenever I run the Deadline Bin installer it asks me for the bin directory. I assign it there but it states that there was an error running deadlinecommand.exe . The folder is correct, the directory is being run in admin mode, and the deadlinecommand.exe is within the folder. I can run the deadlinecommand.exe and it runs files within my command window so I don’t think it’s a corruption issue. Additionally in the connection ini my hostname is correct so that can’t be the problem. It simply isn’t reading what’s clearly there. Any advice would be appreciated. I have attached a picture of the error and windows for clarification.
Any luck with this? I am having the same issue when trying to install the Maya submission plugin.
The error message says there was an error running deadlinecommand. It assumes it is because the path is wrong, but it is possible that the problem is something else.
So it would be interesting to try and run the command in a Command window and see what you get when you execute
deadlinecommand -GetRepositoryPath
First change to the bin folder of Deadline so you don’t depend on the Env. variable DEADLINE_PATH.
It is possible that the result will be an error that will tell us what’s wrong…
Thank you for your response. I’m running Windows 2019, is this a CMD Command Prompt process? Or do I run the command through Deadline Monitor?
Also, Bobo, is that you? I do believe you were my instructor on CG Society back in 2006 for a course in MaxScript!
Yes, open a CMD windows and try to execute that command. If you get an error that deadlinecommand is not known, your PATH env. var. might not contain the Deadline10\bin folder, so you can change to it before running the command.
On the other topic, yep, I am that Bobo
Changing the mapped network drive letter of the repository drive to the name of the server in the repository solved the issue for me