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Installation issues with B7

Hey guys I’m getting B7 installed over here (for now the server is 64bit linux and workstations are win8, win8.1) and am having a few issues:

  • After installing the client, it tries to connect to the repo… but fails again and again, and again. The repo share directory is definitely available to the machines too, so that shouldn’t be an issue. Is there something simple I’m not setting up here?

  • I’m also getting an error after the client gets installed. Something about it not being able to launch the service. Thoughts? I’ve created a dedicated “render” user and used that.

  • What is the proper uninstallation procedure of the DeadlineRepository on Linux? I’ve installed it via command line (–mode text) and want to reinstall with new settings. I can’t find docs for that. Or is it cool if I just delete the db and repo dirs and reinstall?

Here’s a screen shot of the service error I’m getting fwiw.

Can you post the error you’re getting when the client tries to connect to the repository? It would help to see if it’s a repository error or a database error. Also, do you know if the repository share requires a logon to connect to it? If it does, it’s possible you need to connect to it through Windows explorer before Deadline will be able to “see” it. In that case, removing the need for a logon should help.

For the service error, I just tested this here and it worked. The service logon can be fussy when it comes to the user name. If it’s a local account, it must prefixed with “.”. For example, if the “render” user is a local account, you should enter the user name like this:


If it’s a network account, you need to include the domain, like this:


Make sure you use a backslash “” here, and not a forward slash “/”.

For uninstallation on linux, there should be an uninstaller executable in the Repository folder. Just run that from the linux machine to uninstall. We’ll make sure to document this.


Thanks for the reply Ryan!

Here are screen grabs from the slave when it tries to connect to the repo. The share does require auth… but it’s just on the main share here and everyone is always logged into it and has full access.

Thanks! That confirms it’s a database connection issue, and means that at least you’re able to connect to the repository.

Some things to check:

  1. Is the MongoDB database currently running on the deadline-license machine?
  2. Can your client machine ping deadline-license?
  3. Is there a firewall running on deadline-license that could be blocking communication?

In the Database and Repository Installation section of the manual (which you can download from here:, there is a section called Open Firewall Ports which can help with (3) above.

If you’re stumped, shoot an email to support (at) thinkboxsoftware (dot) com and our support team should be able to help you figure this one out.


1: It’s definitely running and accessible. Here is a screengrab of robomongo browsing mongo (from the client machine).
2: Yes.
3: Nope.

I reinstalled the client with domain user settings and still had the same issue with the service failing too. Not sure what to do about that.

Thanks again for the help

Hmm I just noticed that in the “error1.png” file attached above that it’s looking for the db at How did that get set? And how do I change it?

That would have been set during installation. You can manually change it in the dbConnect.xml file in the settings folder in your repository.

Ah ok changing that xml file was everything. During install… I was thinking that it was asking for the mongodb machines ip (from the mongo machine). So would make sense, not knowing that the clients read that file.

Thanks for the help again Ryan.

The only issue I’m still having is getting the service running. So there are two ways to type a domain BLAH\usernme or username@blah.whatever. I’ve tried both on setup and neither work.

We have a domain controller for the users and would like to use a single “render” user for all rendering services, while each desktop user is unique. Seems like a simple setup, but I can’t get that darn thing working. Thoughts?

Can you try manually setting the login information for the server after the installer is finished? Just bring up the windows Services dialog from the Windows Task Manager by selecting the Services tab, then press the Open Services option. Then right-click on the Deadline 7 Launcher Service and select Properties, and then the Log On tab. Here, you can configure the account that the service runs as. This should hep determine if it’s an issue with our installer or something specific about the account.

Service starts perfectly fine if I do it this way.

We had trouble with service logins if we did it through the installer. Doing it through a silent install though in the command line worked. Not sure what the difference was.

Something I noticed today was that the installer ( used some *other password for the service. If I go and edit the password after the matter it launches fine. I’m wondering if the installer is setup to automatically fill in the password with some internal pw you guys use to test. Just a thought.

Testing with now…

That’s strange. We default that password field to blank, and we don’t assign it a value anywhere (the only way to give it a value is for the user to provide it). We’ve tested the service install repeatedly across many machines here, and we’ve never had any problems with it, but it seems like other users periodically have problems with the service install like this.

That’s really interesting that the silent installation works, but not the UI one. There shouldn’t be any difference…

Is there a downloads section? Where can we download the latest version now that it’s released?

Please contact sales [at] thinkboxsoftware [dot] com to be sent the download links. Please can you provide your full name / company details, so we can locate you in our system, if your company email address isn’t obvious enough to help identify you in our systems.

Thanks Mike

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