AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Installation problems

when installing DL 7.0 beta 5, I ran into some issues:

two problems already with setting up the mongodb:


Problem running post-install step. Installation may not complete correctly
Error running C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp/repoinstalltemp/deadlinecommand.exe -UpdateDatabaseSettings “//santa/deadline7” “MongoDB” “kirby;” "deadline7db
" “27070” “0” “false” “0” "deadline
" “” “” “true”: Program ended with an error exit code



The error: ‘C:\Documents’ is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

After double quoting:

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>“C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator
\Local Settings\Temp/repoinstalltemp/deadlinecommand.exe” -UpdateDatabaseSetting
s “//santa/deadline7” “MongoDB” “kirby;” “deadline7db” “27070” “0”
“false” “0” “deadline” “” “” “true”
An error occurred while updating the database settings:

Access to the path ‘\santa\deadline7\settings\dbConnect.xml’ is denied. (System

I solved this by editing the file dconnect.xml by hand:

"?xml version=“1.0”?>




Now everything seemed to be up and running, but DL 6.1 acted behaving very weird… The monitor didn’t seem to be updating anymore, until i disabled the new mongodb. The databases are on 2 seperate machines as well as the repository. Any ideas why all of this happens?

The specs of the machine I am installing the mongoDB on:

dell server PE1950
xeon 5420, 8 GB ram
windows server 2003 R2, x64, SP2


Hi Bert,

For the installation problem, it sounds like permissions haven’t been opened up on your \santa\deadline7 share, which would explain why the “deadlinecommand.exe” command was reporting an UnauthorizedAccessException error. Here are the steps for setting up permissions on that folder: … ory_Folder

That’s strange though about Deadline 6.1 misbehaving after installing Deadline 7. Both should be able to run just fine without interfering with each other. Could you re-enable the Deadline 7 database, launch the Deadline 6 Monitor, and then send us the Monitor log after it’s been running for a couple minutes? You can find the log folder from the Monitor by selecting Help -> Explore Log Folder. We’ll take a look to see if anything stands out.


ok, thanks, I will check out the permissions on that folder.

Now we have both of them running side by side, submitting works and the log doesnt show anything strange, so that must have been a fluke…


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