AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

installer, db settings

Minor note, but every time in install the repository, the database settings seem to reset to some default values.
The db server entry points to my local machine’s name and IP separated by a ‘;’, instead of our db server, the port number is set to 27070 (instead of the default 27017) and the replica set entry is empty. The db name matches.

Seems like the previously registered values are not remembered.

It should be pulling those values from the dbConnect.xml file in the settings folder in the repository that you point to when running the repository installer. Is it possible this file is locked down and the installer is unable to read it?

I just tested installing to a repo on another machine here, and it pulled the database settings properly…


The file doesn’t seem locked… does the installer log this somewhere maybe?

Ah wait. I know what it is then… Im installing the depo locally, to merge our codebases for testing on the staging server. This means i install every repository into a separate folder, so there is no previous settings.xml.

Ah, yup, that’s definitely it.


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