Its not clear from the documentation whether the best practice is to uninstall the current slaves, and repository of 4.1 before installing 5.0, or install the new versions first, and get working before uninstalling 4.1.
Could anyone advise the best method to go from 4.1 to 5.0?
It is recommended to Uninstall the Deadline 4.1 Client from all machines before installing Deadline 5.0.
The Deadline 5.0 repository should be installed separately to a new location (the 4.1 and 5.0 folder structures are NOT compatible).
Other than that, you should be ok.
What happens when you try to launch the slave on your local machine? Is there an error message or anything else that might indicate what the problem is? If you “Undo” the copy, does the slave start up again?