Installing deadline6 breaks 3ds max

Oops, I just posted this on the discussion forum on accident. Anyway, here it is again:

Hello, I have installed deadline 6 (beta 6) client on two machines running windows 7 64bit and so far and they seem to cause a conflict with 3ds max that makes it crash every time it starts up. I have attached the error from 3ds max here. I have a feeling that this has to do with max being able to see the correct QT libs and that when deadline6 is installed it seems to break that in some way which causes Max to throw this error and crash out.

If you have any ideas on how to fix this or what is causing it that would be great. Thanks.

Found this: … 83157.html

It sounds like the problem could be caused by the Deadline bin folder being added to the PATH environment variable during installation.

The main reason we add it to the PATH (and perhaps the only one, but need to confirm) is so that the integrated submission scripts can easily call the deadline applications (mainly deadlinecommand). We’ll take a look at it this week and see if we can come up with an alternative. One idea is to create a new environment variable (ie: DEADLINE_6_BIN) and grab the path from that. This assumes that all integrated submission scripts can check environment variables, which I’m pretty sure wasn’t the case when we were first looking at this back in Deadline 3. Many years have passed since then, so fingers crossed. :slight_smile:

Thanks, I looked into this further as well and the conflict seems to be specifically with the QT dlls that are used by the Blur Dev plugins. They seem to conflict with the deadline QT.dlls in some way. When I take deadline6 out of the path Max loads properly again and when I take out the Blur QT path deadline6 starts working but for some reason they don’t like living in harmony. :frowning: