Installing maya scripts in OSX?

Hey everyone,

I’m trying to install the submission scripts in a freshly installed maya 2009 sp1 on OSX 10.5.6. It seems to be a little different on OSX.

I have found where to put the “initDeadlineSubmitter.mel”

Just not too sure about the “SubmitMayaToDeadline.mel” and “userSetup.mel”

The manual says to put the usersetup.mel in the /Documents/maya/scripts folder. It doesn’t exist, should I create? Or is there a different directory to put it in on the mac?

thanks in advance guys.

Try creating that folder and put the file there. If this works, let us know and we’ll update our documentation to mention this. If not, we’ll double check how we have this setup on our Mac machines when we get back from NAB next week.


  • Ryan

What about the “SubmittoDeadline.mel”

Where does that go?

There isn’t a “SubmittoDeadline.mel”, but if you’re referring to the “SubmitMayaToDeadline.mel” that exists in \your\repositorysubmission\Maya, you just leave that there. The “initDeadlineSubmitter.mel” script simply calls “SubmitMayaToDeadline.mel”.


  • Ryan

So, here’s what I have found.

When I run the .mel script to submit to deadline from within maya I get this error.

However, if I drag the “SubmitMayaToDeadline.mel” into maya and try to submit again, it works. Are you sure this doesn’t need to go anywhere in one of the maya scripts folders? As you said, this only sits in the \repository\deadline\clientsetup directoy…

That error is usually an indication that InitDeadlineSubmitter.mel isn’t being called on start up. That script sources the SubmitMayaToDeadline.mel script when Maya starts up.

Are there any errors in the script editor after Maya starts up that explain the problem? Another possibility is that InitDeadlineSubmitter.mel isn’t being sourced because Maya is using another userSetup.mel file. See the script setup page for more info on figuring out which userSetup.mel file Maya is using: … tsetup.php


  • Ryan

Revisiting this.

I am still stuck. I manually typed the path in the “userSetup.mel” file to point to the initDeadlineSubmitter.mel. I made it look like this.

source “/Applications/Autodesk/maya2009/”;

and still no luck. There was no userSetup.mel file, so I obviously just copied it over.

the userSetup.mel file is still in /Users/username/Documents/maya/scripts

Any ideas?! I am out of them.

Did you try running the following from Maya’s Script Editor, as mentioned in the link I sent in my last post?

whatIs userSetup.mel

Just open the Script Editor in Maya and make sure the MEL tab is selected. Then enter the code above on the first line and press CTRL+ENTER to execute the code. On my PC, this is what I get:

As you can see, this should tell you where Maya is looking for the userSetup.mel file. I checked the Maya 2008 installation on one of our Macs, and our userSetup.mel script was installed here:


Maybe try putting the “userSetup.mel” script there.


  • Ryan

that did it!!

thanks Ryan!