Is there any doc on how to install the Thinkbox .msi files remotely and silentlty on a renderfarm. I use bat files that I run from the deadline execute remote command to install vray and phoenix for example and it works great. But when i try to execute .msi for frost or xmesh for example, it doesn’t work.
For example if I try to remotely run a batch file containing this:
pushd \pathyToTheFrostMsi
start /wait MSIEXEC /i “FrostMX_1.4.1.56170_win64.msi”
But since I know now that we just have to copy files around what I do normally is that I create the folders with files I want to copy in sharing somewhere. Then I also put a bat file with the command robocopy like this:
And then I run the batch file on all the computers at the same time using deadline: select all the nodes =>right-click=>remote control/ execute command=>enter the unc path to the batch file
I will still look into group policies to know what they can do.