iPhone App URL problem

We can get a Job List via the iPhone app, but cannot get detail information.

It appears that the URL the app is attempting to pass is incorrect.

We are using a proxy server which requires “cgi-bin” to be entered in the url.

This one is correct and works fine:
“GET /cgi-bin/Mobile_GetJobList?update=6/2/2012_18:3:31&pulse=00:15:17:1E:7F:FF&psort=SubmitDateTime HTTP/1.1” 200 1724

This one is broken:
“GET /cgi-binMobile_GetJobDetails?999_050_999_1650d5ef HTTP/1.1” 404 1085

Notice that the slash after the “cgi-bin” entry is missing on the Mobile_GetJobDetails URL request.

Thanks for reporting this! We’ve tracked down the bug, and it looks like a simple fix. We’ll see if we can get an update out soon.


  • Ryan

The problem should be fixed in version 1.3 of the iphone mobile app. We uploaded the new build for approval today, so hopefully it goes through quickly. We’ll let you know when it’s available.


  • Ryan

Just an update that version 1.3 of the iphone app is now available for download.

Thanks! Works great now!