Is path mapping two separate paths possible?

Hi there,

Here’s an interesting one…

We render from two separate offices which both have a Linux server with the same root path: e.g /myServer

However, the two offices have different Windows share path names. E.g. \Share1 and \Share2

My issue is that I need to be able to path map /myServer to \Share1 (for renders from Location #1)
and then also have the option to path map /myServer to \Share2 (for renders from Location #2)

We render on one giant render pool, so I can’t use the render node location as a way to identify the difference, the cue has to come from the location of the launched render.

If this is possible, how would I go about setting that up?

(I tried to set up both configurations/pathmaps, as I was hoping it would try the first and then if it failed, it would try the second option, but it never did)


You should setup “Regions”: … n-settings

and configure the “Region” column in “Path Mapping” in your “Repo Options”: … ml#regions

then use either “Auto-Configuration” to apply the correct “Region” name to your Slaves based on something identifiable such as IP address range OR manually configure the “Region=” KVP in the client config INI file for each Slave: … figuration … ion#region

Hi Mike,

Thank you for the reply :smiley:

I was aware of regions, but I wasn’t sure this would work, as 90% of our farm is in Location #2, and I want any machine from any region to be able to handle the two separate pathmaps that I require.

Never-the-less, maybe I’m misunderstanding how it works.

I’ll give it a go now.

It didn’t work, sorry Mike.

All that happened was that the machines now in Region #1 were mapping to \Share1 and the machines in Region #2 were mapping to \Share2.

We need the machines from either region to be able to make a decision to pathmap to either \Share1 or \Share2 (by using the location that the launched render came from as the cue and not the location of the rendernode (which is irrelevant in this case))

I’m starting to think that we will have to change the name of our GPFS volume on Linux, so that it’s not the same name at both locations, as I mentioned in my original post.

ah, sorry, I must have misunderstood you before. This is not currently possible and you would have to use our API and Python to manually change the path mappings. We expect a “region” centric approach based on location of Slave and not source of job submission.

Ok, no worries Mike.