AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Issues with custom submit to deadline with postload maxscript

Hi there !
I’m having a hard time solving my issue :
I wrote a custom script in order to submit automatically some jobs to a deadlien renderfarm ( following this tutorial : Custom MaxScript Submission Tutorial | AWS Thinkbox )
But when i try to add a post load script, the script is being executed correctly but then i have an error :
Error: FailRenderException : RenderTask: Unexpected exception (ExecuteMaxScriptFile: Script did not return success. Returned value was: success.
the post load script maxscript :

try (
	function dddd= 
		fileCreationdududude = createfile "X:\\3D_TESTS\\Deadline\\tarace.txt"
		return #success


Does someone has an idea of what i’m doing wrong ?
Thank you

my custom submit script :

	local du = DeadlineUtil  --this is the interface exposed by the Lightning Plug-in which provides communication between Deadline and 3ds Max
	if du == undefined do  --if the script is not being run on Deadline (for testing purposes),
		struct DeadlineUtilStruct   --define a stand-in struct with the same methods as the Lightning plug-in
			fn SetTitle title = ( format "Title: %\n" title ),
			fn SetProgress percent = (true),
			fn FailRender msg = ( throw msg ),
			--For "Job Info Parameters" (as displayed in Monitor -> job -> job properties > Submission Params)
			--Please consult the Scripting API reference online -> Deadline.Jobs.Job Class Reference
			--All of our job properties can be accessed here and are prefixed with "Job" such as:
			--fn GetSubmitInfoEntry( "JobSubmitMachine" ), --for "MachineName="
			fn GetSubmitInfoEntry key = ( undefined ),
			fn GetSubmitInfoEntryElementCount key = ( 0 ),
			fn GetSubmitInfoEntryElement index key = ( undefined ),
			--For "Plugin Info Parameters" (as displayed in Monitor -> job -> job properties > Submission Params)
			--Please consult the displayed Key=Value pairs in the "Plugin Info Parameters" in Monitor such as:
			--fn GetJobInfoEntry( "MaxVersion" ), --for "MaxVersion=2017"
			fn GetJobInfoEntry key = ( undefined ),
			fn GetAuxFilename index = ( undefined ),
			fn GetOutputFilename index = ( undefined ),
			fn LogMessage msg = ( format "INFO: %\n" msg ),
			fn WarnMessage msg = ( format "WARNING: %\n" msg ),
			CurrentFrame = ((sliderTime as string) as integer),
			CurrentTask = ( -1 ),
			SceneFileName = ( maxFilePath + maxFileName ),
			SceneFilePath = ( maxFilePath ),
			JobsDataFolder = ( "" ),
			PluginsFolder = ( "" )
		du = DeadlineUtilStruct() --create an instance of the stand-in struct
	)--end if
	du.SetTitle "MAXScript Job" --set the job title 
	du.LogMessage "Starting MAXScript Job..." --output a message to the log
	local st = timestamp() --get the current system time
	----- 		start processing
		global SMTDSettings
		global SMTDFunctions

		local theNetworkRoot = "X:\\TOOLS\\DEADLINE"
		local remoteScript = theNetworkRoot + @"\submission\3dsmax\main\"
		local localScript = getDir #userscripts + "\\"
		if doesFileExist remoteScript do
			if SMTDFunctions == undefined do
			deleteFile localScript
			copyFile remoteScript localScript
			fileIn localScript

			SMTDSettings.JobName = maxFileName 
			SMTDSettings.Comment = "Automaticaly Sent by MaxScript"
			SMTDSettings.Priority = 50
			SMTDSettings.ChunkSize = 10
			SMTDSettings.SubmitAsMXSJob = false
			SMTDSettings.LocalRendering = false
			SMTDSettings.SubmitSceneMode = #reposave --#reposave, #networksave, #globalnetworksave, #networksaveanduse, #networkremap
			SMTDSettings.MaxVersionToForce = "none"
			SMTDSettings.RunPreFrameScript = false
			SMTDSettings.PreFrameScriptFile = "X:\\_BANK\\SCRIPTS\\Script_Max\\DEADLINE_Scripts\\"

			local MAXScriptFile = "X:\\_BANK\\SCRIPTS\\Script_Max\\DEADLINE_Scripts\\"
			local maxFileToSubmit = "X:\\_BANK\\SCRIPTS\\Script_Max\\DEADLINE_Scripts\\" + maxFileName
			SMTDFunctions.SaveMaxFileCopy maxFileToSubmit

			local SubmitInfoFile = SMTDPaths.tempdir + "max_submit_info.job"
			local JobInfoFile = SMTDPaths.tempdir+ "max_job_info.job"

			SMTDFunctions.CreateSubmitInfoFile SubmitInfoFile
			SMTDFunctions.CreateJobInfoFile JobInfoFile

			local initialArgs = "\""+SubmitInfoFile+"\" \""+JobInfoFile+"\" \""+maxFileToSubmit +"\" \""+MAXScriptFile +"\" \""+"X:\\_BANK\\SCRIPTS\\Script_Max\\DEADLINE_Scripts\\" +"\" " 
			local result = SMTDFunctions.waitForCommandToComplete initialArgs SMTDSettings.TimeoutSubmission
			local renderMsg = SMTDFunctions.getRenderMessage() 
			SMTDFunctions.getJobIDFromMessage renderMsg

			if result == #success then 
			format "Submitted successfully as Job %.\n\n%\n\n" \
			SMTDSettings.DeadlineSubmissionLastJobID renderMsg
			format "Job Submission FAILED.\n\n%" renderMsg 
	---- end processing
	du.LogMessage ("Finished MAXScript Job in "+ ((timestamp() - st)/1000.0) as string + " sec.") --output the job duration
	true  --return true if the task has finished successfully, return false to fail the task.
)--end script
	if ((maxVersion())[1]/1000 as integer) >= 19 then --Max2017 or later only
		if hasCurrentExceptionStackTrace() then
			local stackTrace = getCurrentExceptionStackTrace()
			stackTrace =  filterString stackTrace "\n"
			for line in stackTrace do
				if DeadlineUtil == undefined then (format "WARNING: %\n" line) else DeadlineUtil.WarnMessage(line)

the error i’m getting :




Error: FailRenderException : RenderTask: Unexpected exception (ExecuteMaxScriptFile: Script did not return success. Returned value was: success.

2022/11/18 17:16:04 DBG: [05048] [15128] Starting network

2022/11/18 17:16:04 INF: [05048] [15128] Application started with secure mode state 'OFF'

2022/11/18 17:16:04 INF: [05048] [15128] Product version: 3ds Max 2020.3.4 Security Fix (

2022/11/18 17:16:04 DBG: [05048] [15128] ADP Initialize: Done

2022/11/18 17:16:04 INF: [05048] [15128] Data collection and use is 'ON'. Change your participation anytime in the Help menu of 3ds Max.

2022/11/18 17:16:06 DBG: [05048] [15128] Could not find the specified file in DefaultSettingsParser::parse()

2022/11/18 17:16:17 DBG: [05048] [15128] Graphics driver requested by the user : Nitrous

2022/11/18 17:16:17 DBG: [05048] [15128] Graphics driver actually created in the viewports : null driver

2022/11/18 17:16:20 INF: [05048] [15128] Autodesk 3ds Max Security Tools is active via configuration settings

2022/11/18 17:16:20 INF: [05048] [15128] ALC Security Tool 1.0 loaded. (c:\program files\autodesk\3ds max 2020\applicationplugins\securitytools\contents\scripts\

2022/11/18 17:16:21 INF: [05048] [15128] CRP Security Tool 1.0 loaded. (c:\program files\autodesk\3ds max 2020\applicationplugins\securitytools\contents\scripts\

2022/11/18 17:16:21 INF: [05048] [15128] ADSL Security Tool 1.0 loaded. (c:\program files\autodesk\3ds max 2020\applicationplugins\securitytools\contents\scripts\

2022/11/18 17:16:30 DBG: [05048] [15128] Starting network

2022/11/18 17:16:31 DBG: [05048] [15128] Calling NetRenderPreLoad

2022/11/18 17:16:31 DBG: [05048] [15128] in NetWorkerPreLoad. jobFile: ; jobname: C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\workers\rendernode02\jobsData\6377af2682db076024719fc1\maxStartup\0\deadlineStartupMax2020.max

2022/11/18 17:16:31 DBG: [05048] [15128] in Init. jobFile: ; jobname: C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\workers\rendernode02\jobsData\6377af2682db076024719fc1\maxStartup\0\deadlineStartupMax2020.max

2022/11/18 17:16:31 DBG: [05048] [15128] in Init. calling nrGetIface. jobToSend: C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\workers\rendernode02\jobsData\6377af2682db076024719fc1\maxStartup\0\deadlineStartupMax2020.max

2022/11/18 17:16:31 DBG: [05048] [15128] in NetWorkerPreLoad. curJobname: C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\workers\rendernode02\jobsData\6377af2682db076024719fc1\maxStartup\0\deadlineStartupMax2020.max; init: 0

2022/11/18 17:16:31 DBG: [05048] [15128] in NetWorkerPreLoad. calling PostInitMessageSystem()

2022/11/18 17:16:31 DBG: [05048] [15128] in NetWorkerPreLoad. srv_pid: 0

2022/11/18 17:16:31 DBG: [05048] [15128] leaving NetWorkerPreLoad. LoadLib()

2022/11/18 17:16:31 DBG: [05048] [15128] NetRenderPreLoad passed

2022/11/18 17:16:31 DBG: [05048] [15128] Graphics driver requested by the user : Nitrous

2022/11/18 17:16:31 DBG: [05048] [15128] Graphics driver actually created in the viewports : null driver

2022/11/18 17:16:31 DBG: [05048] [15128] Graphics driver requested by the user : Nitrous

2022/11/18 17:16:31 DBG: [05048] [15128] Graphics driver actually created in the viewports : null driver

2022/11/18 17:16:32 DBG: [05048] [15128] Graphics driver requested by the user : Nitrous

2022/11/18 17:16:32 DBG: [05048] [15128] Graphics driver actually created in the viewports : null driver

2022/11/18 17:16:32 INF: [05048] [15128] SYSTEM: Production renderer is changed to Scanline Renderer. Previous messages are cleared.

2022/11/18 17:16:43 DBG: [05048] [15128] Interface8::LoadFromFile(C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\workers\rendernode02\jobsData\6377af2682db076024719fc1\maxStartup\0\deadlineStartupMax2020.max)

2022/11/18 17:16:43 INF: [05048] [15128] Starting to load file: C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\workers\rendernode02\jobsData\6377af2682db076024719fc1\maxStartup\0\deadlineStartupMax2020.max

2022/11/18 17:16:44 DBG: [05048] [15128] WARNING: The Populate data is missing on your system.

2022/11/18 17:16:44 INF: [05048] [15128] Done loading file: C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\workers\rendernode02\jobsData\6377af2682db076024719fc1\maxStartup\0\deadlineStartupMax2020.max

2022/11/18 17:16:44 DBG: [05048] [15128] Interface8::LoadFromFile(C:/ProgramData/Thinkbox/Deadline10/workers/rendernode02/jobsData/6377af2682db076024719fc1/CORONA_French BulldogTESTPEDEL.max)

2022/11/18 17:16:44 INF: [05048] [15128] Starting to load file: C:/ProgramData/Thinkbox/Deadline10/workers/rendernode02/jobsData/6377af2682db076024719fc1/CORONA_French BulldogTESTPEDEL.max

2022/11/18 17:16:45 INF: [05048] [15128] CORONA: Corona is up and running. Corona version: 8, netrender mode: on, slave mode: off, quiet mode: on, Max gamma (display/input/output): 2,2/2,2/2,2

2022/11/18 17:16:45 INF: [05048] [15128] Done loading file: C:/ProgramData/Thinkbox/Deadline10/workers/rendernode02/jobsData/6377af2682db076024719fc1/CORONA_French BulldogTESTPEDEL.max

2022/11/18 17:16:45 INF: [05048] [15128] SYSTEM: Production renderer is changed to Corona 8. Previous messages are cleared.


at Deadline.Plugins.DeadlinePlugin.FailRender(String message) (Python.Runtime.PythonException)

File "C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\workers\rendernode02\plugins\6377af2682db076024719fc1\", line 173, in StartJob


File "C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\workers\rendernode02\plugins\6377af2682db076024719fc1\", line 1595, in StartMaxJob


File "C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\workers\rendernode02\plugins\6377af2682db076024719fc1\", line 2894, in ExecuteMaxScriptFile

returnedMessage = self.PollUntilComplete(useTimeout, timeout)

File "C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\workers\rendernode02\plugins\6377af2682db076024719fc1\", line 3000, in PollUntilComplete

self.Plugin.FailRender("RenderTask: Unexpected exception (%s)" % e.Message)

at Python.Runtime.Dispatcher.Dispatch(ArrayList args)

at __FranticX_GenericDelegate0Dispatcher.Invoke()

at Deadline.Plugins.DeadlinePlugin.StartJob()

at Deadline.Plugins.DeadlinePlugin.DoStartJob()

at Deadline.Plugins.PluginWrapper.StartJob(String& outMessage, AbortLevel& abortLevel)

at Deadline.Plugins.PluginWrapper.StartJob(String& outMessage, AbortLevel& abortLevel)






Try this:


   -- your code
   -- your code

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it wooorks ! Thanks a lot Kos ! Where do you live ? I buy you a drink !

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