The company I’m at is currently using Deadline 9 (the submitter works on the command line), and it appears that allowing multiple users to submit under the same batch name doesn’t work with the ego-centric or date sorting.
The batch job column just says on the User column, and the ego-centric sorting doesn’t check any further than that, so doesn’t bring it to the top if a job inside is from the user. Is there any way to tweak that behaviour? Also the batch job retains the original submit date, so sorting by submitted date doesn’t work either. I’ve been having a look at the command line commands but didn’t spot anything that looked like it’d be able to modify an existing job.
We’d like to keep the grouped batch names if possible (the -getjobsfilter command takes roughly 10 seconds and there’s no need for separate batch names when someone submits the same thing), would you guys have any tips?
Edit: I found that the batch job will automatically update to the lowest submission time. I can set all the jobs inside the batch job to the current time using “UpdateJobSubmissionDate” to force it to update, but that’s obviously a very messy way around something that should be simple.
Sorting isn’t working the way you’d like on batches, specifically:
a. Ego-centric should sort within batches
b. The batch-group itself should sort based on submission time
Batches are slow? I’m not sure about the We’d like to keep the grouped batch names if possible comment
For 1a, ego-centric sorting does work in batches in 10.0.20:
For 1b, choosing that the newest submission time should be what’s sorted on is a bit subjective… I’m not really sure what the best plan is here. Maybe a it could be configurable, but that would need to be on every column?
For #2 specifically, we moved more filter work into C++ land to Python about 6 months in 10.0.4 ago so filtering should be much faster if you find time to bump to 10. I don’t remember when we moved the job panel to C++ but that helped significantly.
Thanks a bunch for the information, it’s nice to know that upgrading to 10 would fix a lot of the issues.
As for 1b, I get that people will use it differently, but for example, while “Start Date” makes sense to show the first date, “Finished Date” makes sense to show the last. I imagine your suggestion about it being configurable would be quite nice, it wouldn’t need to be overboard and be put on every column, but it would be very useful to have as an option at least for the date columns.
This is mainly from feedback from the department heads. They limit the jobs to their team and sort by date to see what’s being submitted. With the default behaviour, someone could tweak and resubmit an old job and it’d be buried under dozens of other completed jobs, so for the time being I’m having to run the “UpdateJobSubmissionDate” command on every job in the batch.