AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Job batch, not filter aware

Im not sure if this is a bug… But if filters hide certain sub jobs, the batch information does not reflect this change:

I have pending jobs filtered out, as you can see only 8 jobs are shown under the batch. But it shows the properties for all, even the hidden ones.

The reason i got confused by this behavior, is that i’m doing a cleanup, and now i’m not sure what jobs will get deleted if i select the batch itself. Will it delete the hidden jobs too? Or just the ones visible? A bit confusing. I would prefer if it only showed the data that’s visible

That number is meant to show how many jobs are in the batch, not how many are visible. In addition, all the information in the batch row is an aggregate of all the jobs that belong to it, and I don’t think it should change based on how many of those jobs you can actually see in the Monitor. For example, I wouldn’t expect the batch’s overall progress to change because one of its jobs has been filtered out (the same way you wouldn’t expect a single job’s overall progress to change when you filter some tasks out).


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