Job completion Report

Hi guys, I have a request about the job completion report. I would like an option that could write all the job completion report in a text file in a specific folder. The destination folder would be a variable in the Repository options.

The reason why I ask for this is that we would like to store the data of all the renders done in Deadline. If I would have the job completion reports in text files, I could then create a service that would parse these text file then put the data in a database. I could then display this information in a web browser.

If you consider the idea I would like to know about it, We are currently investigating a way to have a email software with a rule that would copy the job completion report emails in a text file.

If you have an idea how to do the email rule let me know. I could do this woth outlook 2003, maybe some email software on linux or unix can do it.


Sylvain Berger

Hi Sylvain,

Deadline already supports a feature that allows you to send all

completion email reports to a specific email address (in addition to the

job’s user). In the Repository Options in the Monitor, look for the

EmailJobCompletionReports setting under Notification Settings. Just

specify any email address here and all completion reports will be sent

to it.

Perhaps this might be useful for you.

Kind regards,

  • Ryan

Yes I am using that feature right now and sending all the job report to my email adress. The problem is that I recieved 1000 more job reports in the last 2 weeks. And I can’t create a rule in outlook 2003 that will take the email and save it as a text file on my drive.

Hi Sylvain,

Since you are using Outlook 2003, you can create scripted rules for the Rules Wizard.  Here are a couple of links to get you started:

Thanks a lot for the links.

I think that we have a workable solution for now. We finaly found a plugin for outlook that do this text file dump.