Job Hanging does not render :STDOUT: CHOLMOD warning

Connecting to smp-render12…

RemoteLog: connecting to a local end point via loop back ‘::1’ port 54618

Making a connection to ‘::1’ port 54618

2023-08-28 15:22:32: Skipping pending job scan because it is not required at this time

2023-08-28 15:22:32: Skipping repository repair because it is not required at this time

2023-08-28 15:22:32: Skipping house cleaning because it is not required at this time

2023-08-28 15:22:32: Scheduler Thread - Job’s Limit Groups:

2023-08-28 15:22:33: 0: Loading Job’s Plugin timeout is Disabled

2023-08-28 15:22:33: 0: SandboxedPlugin: Render Job As User disabled, running as current user ‘ladmin’

2023-08-28 15:22:34: Connecting to Worker log: smp-render12

2023-08-28 15:22:36: All job files are already synchronized

2023-08-28 15:22:36: Plugin Cinema4DBatch was already synchronized.

2023-08-28 15:22:36: 0: Executing plugin command of type ‘Initialize Plugin’

2023-08-28 15:22:36: 0: INFO: Executing plugin script ‘/Users/Shared/Thinkbox/Deadline10/workers/smp-render12/plugins/64ece1bec872f9ea9d19da9d/’

2023-08-28 15:22:36: 0: INFO: Plugin execution sandbox using Python version 3

2023-08-28 15:22:36: 0: INFO: About: Cinema 4D Batch Plugin for Deadline

2023-08-28 15:22:36: 0: INFO: The job’s environment will be merged with the current environment before rendering

2023-08-28 15:22:36: 0: Done executing plugin command of type ‘Initialize Plugin’


2023-08-28 15:22:36: 0: Start Job timeout is disabled.

2023-08-28 15:22:36: 0: Task timeout is disabled.

2023-08-28 15:22:36: 0: Loaded job: _NYK_LogoLoop (64ece1bec872f9ea9d19da9d)

2023-08-28 15:22:36: 0: Executing plugin command of type ‘Start Job’

2023-08-28 15:22:36: 0: DEBUG: S3BackedCache Client is not installed.

2023-08-28 15:22:36: 0: INFO: Executing global asset transfer preload script ‘/Users/Shared/Thinkbox/Deadline10/workers/smp-render12/plugins/64ece1bec872f9ea9d19da9d/’

2023-08-28 15:22:36: 0: INFO: Looking for legacy (pre-10.0.26) AWS Portal File Transfer…

2023-08-28 15:22:36: 0: INFO: No legacy (pre-10.0.26) File Transfer controller is available for this platform (darwin).

2023-08-28 15:22:36: 0: INFO: Could not find legacy (pre-10.0.26) AWS Portal File Transfer.

2023-08-28 15:22:36: 0: INFO: Legacy (pre-10.0.26) AWS Portal File Transfer is not installed on the system.

2023-08-28 15:22:36: 0: INFO: Start Job called - starting up Cinema 4D Batch plugin

2023-08-28 15:22:36: 0: INFO: Setting Process Environment Variable g_additionalModulePath to /Users/Shared/Thinkbox/Deadline10/workers/smp-render12/plugins/64ece1bec872f9ea9d19da9d

2023-08-28 15:22:36: 0: INFO: [g_additionalModulePath] set to: /Users/Shared/Thinkbox/Deadline10/workers/smp-render12/plugins/64ece1bec872f9ea9d19da9d

2023-08-28 15:22:36: 0: INFO: Cinema 4D socket connection port: 54651

2023-08-28 15:22:36: 0: INFO: Parameters: -nogui -noopengl -redshift-gpu 0 -redshift-gpu 1 -redshift-log-console Error “-DeadlineConnect 54651 1693250556 ‘/Users/Shared/Thinkbox/Deadline10/workers/smp-render12/jobsData/64ece1bec872f9ea9d19da9d/importTest_temp3lNg20/importCheck.txt’”

2023-08-28 15:22:36: 0: INFO: Starting monitored managed process Cinema4DProcess

2023-08-28 15:22:36: 0: INFO: Stdout Redirection Enabled: True

2023-08-28 15:22:36: 0: INFO: Asynchronous Stdout Enabled: False

2023-08-28 15:22:36: 0: INFO: Stdout Handling Enabled: True

2023-08-28 15:22:36: 0: INFO: Popup Handling Enabled: True

2023-08-28 15:22:36: 0: INFO: QT Popup Handling Enabled: False

2023-08-28 15:22:36: 0: INFO:* Popup Handling Enabled: False

2023-08-28 15:22:36: 0: INFO: Using Process Tree: True

2023-08-28 15:22:36: 0: INFO: Hiding DOS Window: True

2023-08-28 15:22:36: 0: INFO: Creating New Console: False

2023-08-28 15:22:36: 0: INFO: Running as user: ladmin

2023-08-28 15:22:36: 0: INFO: Executable: “/Applications/MAXON CINEMA 4D 2023/”

2023-08-28 15:22:36: 0: INFO: Argument: -nogui -noopengl -redshift-gpu 0 -redshift-gpu 1 -redshift-log-console Error “-DeadlineConnect 54651 1693250556 ‘/Users/Shared/Thinkbox/Deadline10/workers/smp-render12/jobsData/64ece1bec872f9ea9d19da9d/importTest_temp3lNg20/importCheck.txt’”

2023-08-28 15:22:36: 0: INFO: Full Command: “/Applications/MAXON CINEMA 4D 2023/” -nogui -noopengl -redshift-gpu 0 -redshift-gpu 1 -redshift-log-console Error “-DeadlineConnect 54651 1693250556 ‘/Users/Shared/Thinkbox/Deadline10/workers/smp-render12/jobsData/64ece1bec872f9ea9d19da9d/importTest_temp3lNg20/importCheck.txt’”

2023-08-28 15:22:36: 0: INFO: Startup Directory: “/Applications/MAXON CINEMA 4D 2023/”

2023-08-28 15:22:36: 0: INFO: Process Priority: BelowNormal

2023-08-28 15:22:36: 0: INFO: Process Affinity: default

2023-08-28 15:22:36: 0: INFO: Process is now running

2023-08-28 15:22:36: 0: STDOUT: Application start : 08/28/23 at 15:22:36

2023-08-28 15:22:36: 0: STDOUT: Executable : 64 Bit

2023-08-28 15:22:36: 0: STDOUT: Version / Build : 2023.2.2 / 2023_6e264f0cee3c_902435294

2023-08-28 15:22:36: 0: STDOUT: Debugger : not available

2023-08-28 15:22:36: 0: STDOUT: Memory model : release

2023-08-28 15:22:36: 0: STDOUT: Startup path : file:///Applications/MAXON CINEMA 4D 2023

2023-08-28 15:22:36: 0: STDOUT: Application path : file:///Applications/MAXON CINEMA 4D 2023/

2023-08-28 15:22:36: 0: STDOUT: Application executable : file:///Applications/MAXON CINEMA 4D 2023/

2023-08-28 15:22:36: 0: STDOUT: Resource path : file:///Applications/MAXON CINEMA 4D 2023/resource

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: Module path(s) : file:///Applications/MAXON CINEMA 4D 2023/corelibs; file:///Applications/MAXON CINEMA 4D 2023/plugins; file:///Users/ladmin/Library/Preferences/Maxon/MAXON CINEMA 4D 2023_3BE69839_x/plugins; file:///Users/Shared/Thinkbox/Deadline10/workers/smp-render12/plugins/64ece1bec872f9ea9d19da9d

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: Temporary path : file:///var/folders/4c/ssnzwkh16mv4m_n7ng7tykt40000gn/T

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: Prefs path : file:///Users/ladmin/Library/Preferences/Maxon/MAXON CINEMA 4D 2023_3BE69839_x

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: Global Prefs path : file:///Users/ladmin/Library/Preferences/Maxon

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: OS version : macOS: Version 13.5 (Build 22G74)

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: OS languages : {en-US}

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: App languages : {it-IT,ru-RU,ar-AR,es-ES,pl-PL,de-DE,fr-FR,ja-JP,zh-CN,cs-CZ,ko-KR,en-US}

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: Startup language : en-US

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: Processor : 24(24)x VirtualApple

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: Computer name : smp-render12

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: Unique OS identifier : X4NKC2KNP0 [serialkey]

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: Thread Count : 24

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: CPU Speed (MHz) : 2400.000

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: Application Type : Modular

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: Command line arguments : “-nogui” “-noopengl” “-redshift-gpu” “0” “-redshift-gpu” “1” “-redshift-log-console” “Error” “-DeadlineConnect 54651 1693250556 ‘/Users/Shared/Thinkbox/Deadline10/workers/smp-render12/jobsData/64ece1bec872f9ea9d19da9d/importTest_temp3lNg20/importCheck.txt’”

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: Loading from directory file:///Applications/MAXON CINEMA 4D 2023/corelibs:

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: crypt.module.xlib with module net.maxon.crypt

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: gui.module.xlib with module net.maxon.gui

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: image.module.xlib with module net.maxon.image

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: image_avfoundation.module.xlib with module net.maxon.image_avfoundation

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: image_gpu_register.module.xlib with module net.maxon.image_gpu_register

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: image_ocio.module.xlib with module net.maxon.image_ocio

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: Loading from directory file:///Applications/MAXON CINEMA 4D 2023/corelibs:

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: asset.module.xlib with module net.maxon.asset

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: c4d_viewport_nodegraph.module.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d_viewport_nodegraph

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: c4dplugin.xlib with modules net.maxon.rlmlicensing net.maxon.c4d.c4dplugin

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: command.module.xlib with module net.maxon.command

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: corenodes.module.xlib with module net.maxon.corenodes

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: crashhandler.module.xlib with module net.maxon.crashhandler

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: denoiser.module.xlib with module net.maxon.denoiser

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: drawport.module.xlib with module net.maxon.drawport

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: drawport_functioncache.module.xlib with module net.maxon.drawport_functioncache

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: drawport_general.module.xlib with module net.maxon.drawport_general

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: drawport_metal.module.xlib with module net.maxon.drawport_metal

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: drawport_selector.module.xlib with module net.maxon.drawport_selector

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: embree.module.xlib with module net.maxon.embree

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: embree_classic.module.xlib with module net.maxon.embree_classic

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: geom.module.xlib with module net.maxon.geom

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: geometry_abstraction.module.xlib with module net.maxon.geometry_abstraction

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: image_exif.module.xlib with module net.maxon.image_exif

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: image_gpu.module.xlib with module net.maxon.image_gpu

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: image_ocio_gpu.module.xlib with module net.maxon.image_ocio_gpu

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: image_openexr.module.xlib with module net.maxon.image_openexr

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: licensing.module.xlib with module net.maxon.licensing

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: magicbulletlooks.module.xlib with module net.maxon.magicbulletlooks

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: math.module.xlib with module net.maxon.math

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: mesh.module.xlib with module net.maxon.mesh

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: misc.module.xlib with module net.maxon.misc

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: modeling_commands.module.xlib with module net.maxon.modeling_commands

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: mvp_base_presenter.module.xlib with module net.maxon.mvp_base_presenter

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: mvp_base_widget.module.xlib with module net.maxon.mvp_base_widget

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: mvp_gluon.module.xlib with module net.maxon.mvp_gluon

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: mvp_gluon2.module.xlib with module net.maxon.mvp_gluon2

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: mvp_nodegraph_gluon.module.xlib with module net.maxon.mvp_nodegraph_gluon

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: mvp_nodegraph_presenters.module.xlib with module net.maxon.mvp_nodegraph_presenters

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: mvp_nodes_presenters.module.xlib with module net.maxon.mvp_nodes_presenters

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: mvp_widgets.module.xlib with module net.maxon.mvp_widgets

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: network.module.xlib with module

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: neutron.module.xlib with module net.maxon.neutron

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: nodes.module.xlib with module net.maxon.nodes

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: nodes_corenodes.module.xlib with module net.maxon.nodes_corenodes

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: opensubdiv.module.xlib with module net.maxon.opensubdiv

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: parallelprogram.module.xlib with module net.maxon.parallelprogram

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: physx.module.xlib with module net.maxon.physx

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: placement.module.xlib with module net.maxon.placement

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: post.module.xlib with module

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: pythonconfig.module.xlib with module net.maxon.pythonconfig

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: pythonvm.module.xlib with module net.maxon.pythonvm

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: reflection.module.xlib with module net.maxon.reflection

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: render.module.xlib with module net.maxon.render

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: retargetbase.module.xlib with module net.maxon.retargetbase

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: scene_abstraction.module.xlib with module net.maxon.scene_abstraction

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: shaderbase.module.xlib with module net.maxon.shaderbase

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: shadernodes.module.xlib with module net.maxon.shadernodes

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: sqlite.module.xlib with module net.maxon.sqlite

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: svg.module.xlib with module net.maxon.svg

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: tessellation.module.xlib with module net.maxon.tessellation

2023-08-28 15:22:37: 0: STDOUT: tool_system.module.xlib with module net.maxon.tool_system

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: unittests_common.module.xlib with module net.maxon.unittests_common

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: usd.module.xlib with module net.maxon.usd

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: vhacd.module.xlib with module net.maxon.vhacd

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: Loading from directory file:///Applications/MAXON CINEMA 4D 2023/corelibs:

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: cadexchangeconfig.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.cadexchangeconfig

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: Loading from directory file:///Applications/MAXON CINEMA 4D 2023/plugins/Redshift:

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: redshiftconfig.xlib with module com.redshift3d.redshift4c4d.config

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: Loading from directory file:///Applications/MAXON CINEMA 4D 2023/corelibs:

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: substanceconfig.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.substanceconfig

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: Loading from directory file:///Applications/MAXON CINEMA 4D 2023/corelibs:

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: addons.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.addons

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: advanced_render.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.advanced_render

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: alembic.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.alembic

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: analytics.xlib with module

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: archigrass.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.archigrass

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: assetbrowser.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.assetbrowser

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: bitmapfilter.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.bitmapfilter

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: bpexchange.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.bpexchange

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: browser.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.browser

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: bugslife_client.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.bugslife_client

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: c4d_emulation.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.c4d_emulation

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: c4d_viewport_render.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.c4d_viewport_render

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: ca.xlib with module

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: ca2.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.ca2

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: cadexchange.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.cadexchange

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: clothilde.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.clothilde

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: collada14.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.collada14

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: collada15.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.collada15

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: colorchoosergui.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.colorchoosergui

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: compositing.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.compositing

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: deltamush.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.deltamush

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: deployment.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.deployment

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: dwg.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.dwg

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: dwgobjects.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.dwgobjects

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: dynamics.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.dynamics

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: exchanges.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.exchanges

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: expressiontag.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.expressiontag

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: fbx.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.fbx

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: gltf.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.gltf

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: goz.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.goz

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: hair.xlib with module

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: i_skp.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.i_skp

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: interop.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.interop

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: interop_forger.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.interop_forger

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: io_forger.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.io_forger

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: io_obj.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.io_obj

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: metrics.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.metrics

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: mkmodeler.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.mkmodeler

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: mocca.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.mocca

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: model.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.model

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: mograph.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.mograph

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: motioncam.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.motioncam

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: motiontracker.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.motiontracker

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: nbo.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.nbo

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: nbp.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.nbp

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: newman.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.newman

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: nodeeditor2.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.nodeeditor2

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: objects.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.objects

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: pbd_simulations.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.pbd_simulations

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: physx_hybrid.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.physx_hybrid

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: projectassetinspector.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.projectassetinspector

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: python.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.python

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: redshift.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.redshift

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: Loading from directory file:///Applications/MAXON CINEMA 4D 2023/plugins/Redshift:

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: redshift4c4d.xlib with module com.redshift3d.redshift4c4d

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: Loading from directory file:///Applications/MAXON CINEMA 4D 2023/corelibs:

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: relaxuv.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.relaxuv

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: scenemanager2.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.scenemanager2

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: sculpt.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.sculpt

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: sculptbrushes.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.sculptbrushes

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: shader.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.shader

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: sketch.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.sketch

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: sky.xlib with module

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: sla.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.sla

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: spacemouse.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.spacemouse

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: substance.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.substance

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: teamrender.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.teamrender

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: thinking_particles.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.thinking_particles

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: tool_system_hybrid.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.tool_system_hybrid

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: tpoperators.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.tpoperators

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: usd.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.usd

2023-08-28 15:22:38: 0: STDOUT: uvviewport.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.uvviewport

2023-08-28 15:22:39: 0: STDOUT: volumes.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.volumes

2023-08-28 15:22:39: 0: STDOUT: xpressocore.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.xpressocore

2023-08-28 15:22:39: 0: STDOUT: xtensions.xlib with module net.maxon.c4d.xtensions

2023-08-28 15:22:41: 0: STDOUT: Drawport API initialized

2023-08-28 15:22:41: 0: STDOUT: Framework : Metal

2023-08-28 15:22:41: 0: STDOUT: Vendor : AMD

2023-08-28 15:22:41: 0: STDOUT: Device : AMD Compatibility Mode

2023-08-28 15:22:41: 0: STDOUT: Framework version: 2.2

2023-08-28 15:22:41: 0: STDOUT: Driver version : 2.2

2023-08-28 15:22:59: 0: INFO: Received Token: 1693250556

2023-08-28 15:22:59: 0: INFO: Connected to Cinema 4D

2023-08-28 15:23:00: 0: INFO: Set Verbose to True

2023-08-28 15:23:00: 0: STDOUT: Loading Scene: /Volumes/gardenvision-farm/_KNICKS/23-24/_CONCEPTS/_CC/_c4d/_NYK_LogoLoop/_NYK_LogoLoop.c4d

2023-08-28 15:23:01: 0: STDOUT: Warning: setting thread affinity failed

2023-08-28 15:23:01: 0: STDOUT: Warning: setting thread affinity failed

2023-08-28 15:23:01: 0: STDOUT: Warning: setting thread affinity failed

2023-08-28 15:23:01: 0: STDOUT: Warning: setting thread affinity failed

2023-08-28 15:23:01: 0: STDOUT: Embree Ray Tracing Kernels 3.11.0 (19a780e7bf7a8db19f4a827cfa4b210cf9b7bfd5)

2023-08-28 15:23:01: 0: STDOUT: Compiler : CLANG 13.0.0 (clang-1300.0.29.3)

2023-08-28 15:23:01: 0: STDOUT: Build : Release

2023-08-28 15:23:01: 0: STDOUT: Platform : Mac OS X (64bit)

2023-08-28 15:23:01: 0: STDOUT: CPU : Nehalem (GenuineIntel)

2023-08-28 15:23:01: 0: STDOUT: Threads : 24

2023-08-28 15:23:01: 0: STDOUT: ISA : XMM SSE SSE2 SSE3 SSSE3 SSE4.1 SSE4.2 POPCNT

2023-08-28 15:23:01: 0: STDOUT: Targets : SSE SSE2 SSE3 SSSE3 SSE4.1 SSE4.2

2023-08-28 15:23:01: 0: STDOUT: MXCSR : FTZ=1, DAZ=1

2023-08-28 15:23:01: 0: STDOUT: Config

2023-08-28 15:23:01: 0: STDOUT: Threads : default

2023-08-28 15:23:01: 0: STDOUT: ISA : XMM SSE SSE2 SSE3 SSSE3 SSE4.1 SSE4.2 POPCNT

2023-08-28 15:23:01: 0: STDOUT: Targets : SSE SSE2 SSE3 SSSE3 SSE4.1 SSE4.2 (supported)

2023-08-28 15:23:01: 0: STDOUT: SSE2 SSE4.2 AVX AVX2 (compile time enabled)

2023-08-28 15:23:01: 0: STDOUT: Features: raymasks intersection_filter

2023-08-28 15:23:01: 0: STDOUT: Tasking : internal_tasking_system

2023-08-28 15:23:01: 0: STDOUT: Warning: setting thread affinity failed

2023-08-28 15:23:01: 0: STDOUT: Warning: setting thread affinity failed

2023-08-28 15:23:01: 0: STDOUT: Warning: setting thread affinity failed

2023-08-28 15:23:01: 0: STDOUT: Warning: setting thread affinity failed

2023-08-28 15:23:01: 0: STDOUT: Warning: setting thread affinity failed

2023-08-28 15:23:01: 0: STDOUT: Warning: setting thread affinity failed

2023-08-28 15:23:01: 0: STDOUT: Warning: setting thread affinity failed

2023-08-28 15:23:01: 0: STDOUT: Warning: setting thread affinity failed

2023-08-28 15:23:01: 0: STDOUT: Warning: setting thread affinity failed

2023-08-28 15:23:01: 0: STDOUT: Warning: setting thread affinity failed

2023-08-28 15:23:01: 0: STDOUT: Warning: setting thread affinity failed

2023-08-28 15:23:01: 0: STDOUT: Warning: setting thread affinity failed

2023-08-28 15:23:01: 0: STDOUT: Warning: setting thread affinity failed

2023-08-28 15:23:01: 0: STDOUT: Warning: setting thread affinity failed

2023-08-28 15:23:01: 0: STDOUT: Warning: setting thread affinity failed

2023-08-28 15:23:01: 0: STDOUT: Warning: setting thread affinity failed

2023-08-28 15:23:01: 0: STDOUT: Warning: setting thread affinity failed

2023-08-28 15:23:01: 0: STDOUT: Warning: setting thread affinity failed

2023-08-28 15:23:01: 0: STDOUT: Warning: setting thread affinity failed

2023-08-28 15:23:04: 0: INFO: Loaded Scene

2023-08-28 15:23:04: 0: Done executing plugin command of type ‘Start Job’

2023-08-28 15:23:04: 0: Plugin rendering frame(s): 120

2023-08-28 15:23:04: 0: Executing plugin command of type ‘Render Task’

2023-08-28 15:23:04: 0: INFO: Render Tasks called

2023-08-28 15:23:04: 0: INFO: Pre Build Script

2023-08-28 15:23:04: 0: INFO: Validating the path: ‘/Volumes/gardenvision-farm/_KNICKS/23-24/_CONCEPTS/_CC/_c4d_out/’

2023-08-28 15:23:04: 0: INFO: Rendering multipass output to network drive

2023-08-28 15:23:04: 0: INFO:

2023-08-28 15:23:04: 0: STDOUT: Running Script: /Users/Shared/Thinkbox/Deadline10/workers/smp-render12/jobsData/64ece1bec872f9ea9d19da9d/thread0_tempIXfqf0/

2023-08-28 15:23:13: 0: STDOUT: CHOLMOD warning: not positive definite. file: /Users/maximerouca/Dev/MXExternalLibs/SuiteSparse-5.6.0/CHOLMOD/Cholesky/t_cholmod_rowfac.c line: 430

2023-08-28 15:23:13: 0: STDOUT: CHOLMOD warning: not positive definite. file: /Users/maximerouca/Dev/MXExternalLibs/SuiteSparse-5.6.0/CHOLMOD/Cholesky/t_cholmod_rowfac.c line: 430

2023-08-28 15:23:14: 0: STDOUT: Rendering frame 120 at <Mon Aug 28 15:23:14 2023>

I think we need to pull this out of Deadline, could you go through the troubleshooting guide to first run the render with ‘Use Batch Plugin’ disabled.

From what I can find online CHOLMOD is likely referring to this NVIDIA GPU feature. So pulling the render out of the Worker both separates it from any interference the Worker might have to calling the GPU and any issues with our batch mode.

Let us know if you have any issues!